Leave New York while you are still alive

Walter, according to the US Justice Dept. NYC had a 177% increase in shooting in July 2020 vs July 2019. That is over double. The number of murders was up 59%.
In August 2020 the numbers were shootings up 159% and murders up 50%.
DB completely cut out a plain clothes unit of the NYPD that had an excellent record of arrests. And he has already cut out new hiring.
Don't you think the bad guys see all this and know it will be even juicier for them next year?
I have read from 2 different sources, one liberal and one conservative, that DB is the worst mayor in the history of NYC. I would also add Andy to that list of the worst.
Just because the official cuts do not come until next year the mayor can make almost any cut he wants to at any time. And DB has done so.
And it will be worse in 2021.
And DB wants to raise the city income tax, which is already astronomical, even higher.
Anyone with half a brain left who resides in NYC should begin looking to pack up and get out of Dodge.
Let's see now, crime is through the roof, high taxes are going even higher, and crime will likely be even worse in 2021 with less spending on police.
Anyplace but NYC is looking real good to me.
If anyone has any doubts about the Democrat's true ambition a new organization fronted by AOC should dispel any doubts.
The latest Democratic Socialist Alliance wants to literally take over NYC.
Anyone who has studied Karl Marx knows he was a rabid atheist and considered socialism to be only a temporary intermediate step to full blown communism.
One if the goals of AOC is to cut the police budget by another 2 billion dollars and throw the money away on the root cause of crime which she says is poverty. So fewer police but even more welfare.
One of her plans is to eliminate paying rent. Without income real estate would go into foreclosure and the city government would buy all the former rentals for 20% of value and convert all rentals in the city into government housing
LBJ started all this with his Great Society. He expanded welfare greatly and made many, many more totally dependent on welfare. If you depend on welfare and the Dems want to give you more and the Reps want to get you a job, you vote for the Dems. And that was LBJ's goal all along. To create a dependent class rather than raise the standard of living.
This is still the primary goal of the Democrat/Democrime party.
The Dems truly want to turn the US into Russia.
NYC is a sewer and is going to get worse next year.
Get out while you are still breathing and solvent.
One of her plans is to eliminate paying rent.

Can you link to any sources for that?

The Dems truly want to turn the US into Russia.

For your info, in Europe the GOP in its current state is widely seen as nuts and the Democrats are seen as modest rightwings.

Current Russia isnt communistic at all its an autocracy lead by a former KGB officer. So why should the Democrats want to turn the US into Russia? If anyone wants an autocracy it obviously is Trump with all his love for Putin and North Korea.
Walter, type in DSA at any search engine and you will get plenty of info on these communists. They worship Karl Marx, his atheism and his desire for total control. AOC is one of these.
Perhaps it would have been a better comparison to say the Dems want to turn the US into Vietnam or China or Venezuela or N Korea.
And do you have a source which verifies the feeling of European socialists?
NYC is dangerous to live in now and its getting worse every day. So far there have been around 1800 shootings and killings and the number keeps going up and up and up.
And the total idiot mayor DB just released over 3000 jailed criminals. The rate if recidivism is high and by releasing these he has delivered another blow to the police and made the good tax paying citizens of NYC less safe.
Why bother to to arrest a criminal if the mayor is going to let him/her go?
DB is the worst mayor in NYC history and I hope the next election boots him out by a wide margin.
Leave NYC while you are still alive. The mayor sure aint looking out for you.
The NYC exodus continues. In September 2019 there were a little over 5,000 vacant apartments in Manhattan. In Sept 2020 the number was 15,900. That is a 300% increase in 12 months. Rents have fallen due to the oversupply. And over 10,000 households are now living in a safer place.
Way to go, DB, way to go.
Another super job of mayoring.
One very interesting statistic from the exodus is loss of income. During a discussion with a liberal I brought up the exodus. The lib brought up the actual count was lower because new people were moving back into NYC.
I did a little research and found out this is true. But the new residents make a lot less money than the old residents. The people who moved out had a household income of around $140,000 a year. The new residents averaged less than 60% of this figure. So mayor DB has less tax income.
This will begin to show in 2021.
DB is a Dem and they thrive on taxes. So he may have to raise taxes even more to make up for his dumb decisions.
And Biden's policies will eliminate jobs to make the tax dollar crisis in NY even worse.

Question: do the Dems ever do anything right?
The Covid pandemic has been around almost a year now. So how many are still alive and how many dead.
New York and New Jersey are 2 Democrat strongholds. New York has a population of 19,500,000 and leads the country in Covid deaths at 41,979. New Jersey has a population of 8,900,000 and Covid deaths at 20,951. Florida has a population of 21,500,000 and Covid deaths at 25,292.
So the Democrat stronghold of NY/NJ has around twice as many deaths per Covid case as FL which has a Republican governor.
You are almost twice as safe.in FL from death by Covid as you are in NJ or NY.
Get out of NY and NJ while you are still alive.
The calls for Andy Cuomo to disappear are increasing. There are 5 or 6 ladies that have come forward telling about Andy's frisky hands all over them. Some news outlets say 5 ladies and some say 6. But 1 should be enough to ditch him.
The NY legislators have called for Andy to step down. And at least one news outlet says there are enough votes now to impeach.
Trump was not a gentleman with the ladies. But he didn't feel them up while in office. Big Slick is reported to have gotten blow jobs in the Oval Office by Monica. And he lied about it just like Andy is doing now.
So Andy under reported Covid deaths and likes to feel up the ladies. To me this is typical Demo behavior.
New Yorkers, get rid of this lying pervert ASAP.
Andy needs to resign or be impeached and removed from office.
Wally, Trump did nothing like this in office. Andy and Big Slick behaved abomidably IN office.
HUGE difference that libs overlook.
Recently NYC's mayor took 1 billion dollars from the police force and put it into what is effectively welfare. So criminals may actually collect some of this money while having less risk of getting caught robbing or raping or mugging or vandalizing.
An exodus from California and Seattle has already started, as least partly due to police cutbacks, and this exodus is expected to pick up steam in the future.
Out of the 20 most violent cities in the US, 17 are run by Democrats, 2 by independents and 1 by a Republican.
If you live in a large city run by Democrats I suggest you leave. Find a smaller town in a red state. You and your family will be safer there. The cost of living will likely be less, taxes may be lower and your business may be much less likely to have the front window broken and to be looted.
Chicagoans, Los Angelinos, Seattlers, Bostonians, Baltimorians, San Franners, Detroiters listen up. Smaller towns with conservative leaders will keep you much safer.
Democrats will let crime kill you.
This is just a lie, if they ever open their mouths , they are lying.
Another good name change for the Dems is DEATHOCRAT. There are more Black babies slaughtered in the womb in NY than are born.
Crime and death follow Dem leadership.
The deaths directly related to the ignorance of the hate group the right calls a party, is the majority of deaths from Covid! There is nothing the this right wing hate group is better at.