Well-Known Member
No one currently in Washington, no one in power for the past several decades has been able to cut back the size and power of the federal government.
Since you have such a vast knowledge of history, perhaps you can prove me wrong on that one. Remember, we've already addressed your namesake.
Okay here we go again. You must be over dosing on MSLSD. You might get checked for OCD. You have many of the classic liberal signs of the disease...
First it was "no one" its "no one in Washington." Okay. So, I proved you wrong the first time and I shall prove you wrong again. Nothing knew there...hahahahah...

Their are several in Washington who are trying to cut the size and power of Washington. See my thread Young Guns. There it lists three congressman who all espouse what you say does not exist. Also, ever heard of Michele Bachmann or Ron Paul???? I guess not since your news outlets only talk about the Messiah and how great he is.
Are we done now?