KSM to be tried in civilian court in NYC???

You are applying civilian justice to a war. Using your logic we would have to have an evidentiary court proceeding before a Marine can shoot a combatant. If they are shooting at you, you can choose to shoot back...basic rule of war. They are not innocent until proven guilty.

I also, don't think this is about making the Bush administration look bad, but I do think this is foolish in that it could do irreparable damage to the strength of our Constitutional freedoms.

Clipped from the article: that Khalid Sheik Mo hammed (Ringleader of the 9/11 hijackers) would be tried in civilian courts in New York City, not far from where the World Trade Center once stood.

Ok...not that I want to split fine hairs here; but Khalid Sheik Mo Hammed wasn't acting as a warrior against us in an armed/combative scenario...he was striking against us {much similar as our very own dyed in the wool Timothy McVy was} so I'm not entirely sold on that 'WE WERE AT WAR' issue that you seem connected to!

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