Well-Known Member
Don't even get me started on Reagan. He was a good talker and made you feel good, but when you really analyze his presidency it was mostly hype. He quadrupled the deficit, started the degregulation fiasco, and most tragically of all showed Bin Laden we were vunerable when he cut and run in Lebanon after the marine barracks were hit. Bin Laden has specifically been quoted as saying it opened his eyes to the possibilities of hitting the west.
Yep Reagan really sucked. He ended the USSR (condolences to liberals everywhere for this terrible injustice) and he re-started the American economy after the wonderful years of the anti-Semite peanut farmer that continued up until the end of Master of BJs second term. Oh how I wish for another Great Depression to end this awful unjust capitalist system.
If only that great guy Hinkley had a better aim. If only...