Kids name the least favorite veggie left over from O bung hole lunch programs created my mike O bung hole

I sympathize with the man. Successful businessmen like him were constantly being harassed by morons who thought he was greedy for being successful. They thought he was evil because he did not pay his workers the same amount he paid himself. The government heaped oppressive burdens on him in the name of safety and oversight, as if he did not know how to run his business safely and not know how to insure his products were safe for consumption. I don't blame him for taking his wealth and shutting up shop like so many rich businessmen do when their taxes are raised too high or the regulatory burdens become unbearable.

Democrats do not know how to create good business environments. Their expertise is taking money from businessmen and the economy and redistributing it to themselves, their friends, and their supporters.

should I refer you to the thread whining about how its all rich democrats who give to biden? how did they get rich if they don't know how to be good businessmen? lol.
A mother sent her kid to school in Raeford, NC years ago with a turkey sandwich for lunch. Raeford had the reputation of being the turkey capital of the world in those days because of the huge turkey processing plant they had there. A food policewoman hired by democrat school officials seized the girl's sandwich and fed her chicken tenders instead and sent the little girl's mom a bill for the school-provided lunch substitute. That is what democrat fascism offers for America - leftist government tyrants dictating to disarmed and dehumanized 'comrade citizens' what to think and how to act. We don't need these morons running our country.

As an aside, the turkey plant later closed down and a thousand people, more than half the number of working people in that county, were put out of work due to increasing pressures from animal rights groups and government regulators with no respect for American businesses involved with food processing.
The obung hole lunch were considered sub par and if I recall right have ended.
Recently a school was doing thier gender crap and hassling a girl making every one pretend she was a boy and shed ended up killing herself.
Democrat teachers in some places are pushing. all kinds of crap on kids and parents often don't know about it . democrats want to start on then before they even enter school they started the drag queen story time in the o bung hole Library in Chicago for kids not old enough for school.