Kellogg to raise nutrition of kids' food

We have a problem in that most of our food goes through alteration processing instead of it being offering in its natural, harvested state. There should be manditory information provided on how that type of food offered was processed and how it impacted the nutritional content. Other that that, the government should butt out. Unfortunately, with our so-called education system, little attention is given to life sciences. So an ignorant consumer is also cultivated, as wanted.
We have a problem in that most of our food goes through alteration processing instead of it being offering in its natural, harvested state. There should be manditory information provided on how that type of food offered was processed and how it impacted the nutritional content. Other that that, the government should butt out. Unfortunately, with our so-called education system, little attention is given to life sciences. So an ignorant consumer is also cultivated, as wanted.

The bulk of the food that my family consumes doesn't. We grow most of our own vegetables and meat. If you feel that you really need to eat food as it is when it is harvested, then you should rent yourself a tiller and grow your own. It isn't as if it is rocket science. We put about 4 hours per week into our garden and it provides about 70% of the vegetables we consume in a year.

It simply is not possible to provide food for the entire nation in its natural state. Unfortunately, most of the people today wouldn't know what to do with natural raw vegetables even if they could be provided.
awww, steve isn't so bad. At least he's pretty respectful so far. I'd rather have him around than Justie.