Kansas to try to take Obama off of the ballot

There are both state and federal regulations to this ....
I don't proclaim the law I posted to be 100% accurate. If is not however .... please enlighten me!

I see you noted the residency aspect but thar really only came into play were BO offshored (to coin a phrase).
this is my understanding and it makes sense as all one needed was an affidavit saying where he was born which many Hawaiians used given this was not long after statehood and it became important. they tightened up that stuff a bit later as it was a sort of grandfathering.

much has been made of the "natural born" angle but I've never really found much validity in it. but thats just me.
This is bound to come up again in the future. There needs to be a simple and exact explanation of what is the legal birth requirements to become President/VP. Look at all the anchor babies that have been born here.
An 18 year old enlisting in the Army for a job which requires a security clearance of Top Secret or above must prove citizenship, being a legal resident isn't good enough for those jobs. Before the clearance is granted the FBI does investigate everything the applicant has done from time of birth up to entrance into the service. Time spent as a child living abroad is of particular interest; under certain circumstances time abroad can effect citizenship status and even if it doesn't, spending enough time in a culture which is deemed hostile to America can also result in a denial. At least that's how it worked 20 years ago, I admit I'm not current in my knowledge of those procedures but I can't imagine they've changed that much.

I bring this up because the fact that an 18 year old applying for a relatively meaningless entry-level Military Intelligence job is subjected to what most people would consider an intrusive investigation, yet the President of the United States is seemingly immune from such scrutiny is alarming. I think there's way too much focus on Obama's birth certificate, I think it's what happened during the 10 years after his birth that matters. I also think it's pointless to challenge this man in court, he's already made it clear that he will not cooperate.

I think this has always been a matter for the FBI; Obama doesn't have a run of the mill background and any reasonable person should be able to acknowledge that some digging is warranted here, I mean c'mon, he didn't even try to prove he was legit until he'd been in office for 2 years and that should piss everyone off.
Good post Centrehalf. :)

And we wouldn't really need an FBI report, if we had a media that cared about the country and the Constitution. Look what they did to Sarah Palin. They had teams of lawyers and reporters camped out in Alaska. There even had to be a congressional hearing on McCain's birth status.
It's back on again

Court hearing granted in “birther” challenge to Obama’s place on the Kansas ballot

The defendants in the lawsuit are the State Objections Board and Secretary of State Kris Kobach, its chairman.

This actually demonstrates how very silly the birthers are. . .hanging to a single, ridiculous hope. . .and constantly being shut down and proven wrong by the courts!

Oh well, enjoy yourself! This man whom you continue to think is "unelligible for the Presidential office" has been your president for 4 years, and has a damn good chance to be your President for another 4!
So funny!
This actually demonstrates how very silly the birthers are. . .hanging to a single, ridiculous hope. . .and constantly being shut down and proven wrong by the courts!

Oh well, enjoy yourself! This man whom you continue to think is "unelligible for the Presidential office" has been your president for 4 years, and has a damn good chance to be your President for another 4!
So funny!

never once been proven wrong in the courts. cases have been rejected mainly for standing issues, never on merit or lack thereof.