A Lot,,,Cause our Forfathers believed in the consitution and they followed exactly what it says. Just like Muslims carry out punishments who disobeyed the Koran. Its Called Shariah law. Back 150 years ago our society didnt believe women are as equal as men so they cant vote and they cant speak out against our government. And Blacks were slaves,,And Slaves serve and work for their masters so therefor theyre not citizens. Only American citizens were allowed to vote theyre just carrying out what the consitution says. Now liberals dont believe in freedom of speech unless theyre left winged. Liberals feel women have the right to do a mans job. Liberals feel illegals can vote. To me Liberals are the true radicals.
If "liberals" are people who believe that women and blacks should have equal rights, then pretty much everyone is a "liberal" today.
If "liberals" are people who think only "left winged" people should have freedom of speech and that illegals should have the right to vote, then hardly anyone is "liberal."
And Muslims who believe in shariah law are certainly not "liberal" under any reasonable definition.
But, back in 1776, the idea that all men are created equal, even defining "all men" the way they did back then, was a radical idea.