Joe tries to down play , hes trying to lie so religious people will support him.

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
Yes he needs some Good press for a change but his own policy's prevent that .
Yes he needs some Good press for a change but his own policy's prevent that .
The News coverage was deceptive
Typical right wing media
The News coverage was deceptive
Typical right wing media
Biden has to walk the political tightrope in efforts tom please all voters everywhere. Sadly, he offends even large numbers of Democrats as well when he caters to the irreligious atheistic bloc that supports the Democrat party against Christian views, values, and traditions..
Biden has to walk the political tightrope in efforts tom please all voters everywhere. Sadly, he offends even large numbers of Democrats as well when he caters to the irreligious atheistic bloc that supports the Democrat party against Christian views, values, and traditions..
Christian traditions like gay persecution
Thank God demo rats fought against such hateful bigotry
Gays whine about being persecuted as they miserably attack Christians for agreeing with God's condemnation of sodomy.
Gays have been beaten up, killed, and denied rights since forever by Christians and you call that whing?
God you are a disgusting person
Gays have been beaten up, killed, and denied rights since forever by Christians and you call that whing?
God you are a disgusting person
Gays are violent. That is what detectives said when assessing the brutality of Bob Crane's murder.
Gays whine about being persecuted as they miserably attack Christians for agreeing with God's condemnation of sodomy.
Right wing snowflakes whines that Christians are being criticized.
Those words hurt your feelings, *****?