Jill Biden is a fucking idiot.

Stray Bullet

Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2024
Stop encouraging your husband to run over some family pride ********* when you know what’s at stake and how inadequate he is. Sorry but being polite is not worth standing by and letting a tyrant like Trump win the election.
Stop encouraging your husband to run over some family pride ********* when you know what’s at stake and how inadequate he is. Sorry but being polite is not worth standing by and letting a tyrant like Trump win the election.
You're the one who has abandoned Biden yet comain about Trump. Wtf is wrong with you.
You're the one who has abandoned Biden yet comain about Trump. Wtf is wrong with you.
I personally abandoned him for my humanitarian reasons. But most Americans are superficial (selfish) and they’re not voting for this turd. You can’t polish it whatsoever. He’s going to lose completely.
very-nervous[1].gif Stop encouraging your husband to run over some family pride ********* when you know what’s at stake and how inadequate he is. Sorry but being polite is not worth standing by and letting a tyrant like Trump win the election.

Gee....that's almost as creative as when Porky Limbaugh attempted his "Give us Hillary!" hustle.
I personally abandoned him for my humanitarian reasons. But most Americans are superficial (selfish) and they’re not voting for this turd. You can’t polish it whatsoever. He’s going to lose completely.
That's your opinion only and you cannot speak for most of America.
Stop encouraging your husband to run over some family pride ********* when you know what’s at stake and how inadequate he is. Sorry but being polite is not worth standing by and letting a tyrant like Trump win the election.

How is Trump more of a tyrant than Joe and the democrats?

Biden and the democrats have tried to criminalize speech. They used social media to shut down speech. In their rhetoric they basically call anybody who disagrees with them white supremacist terrorists.

The only issue you libtards are libertarian on is abortion.