Jews against zionism

Mohammed Amin al-Hussein was an imperialist stooge of the UK mandate, who thought they could control him, but as was often the case,
their support blew up in their faces when he went against their plans and joined the Nazi movement.

After WW2 he was wholly discredited.

"..In the lead-up to the 1948 Palestine war, Husseini opposed both the 1947 UN Partition Plan and King Abdullah's designs to annex the Arab part of British Mandatory Palestine to Jordan, and, failing to gain command of the "Arab rescue army" (jaysh al-inqadh al-'arabi) formed under the aegis of the Arab League, built his own militia, al-jihad al-muqaddas. In September 1948 he participated in the establishment of an All-Palestine Government. Seated in Egyptian-ruled Gaza, this government won limited recognition by Arab states but was eventually dissolved by Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser in 1959. After the war and the 1948 Palestinian expulsion and flight, his claims to leadership were wholly discredited and he was eventually sidelined by the Palestine Liberation Organization, losing most of his residual political influence.[16] He died in Beirut, Lebanon in July 1974..."

Your attempt to smear the Palestinian movement with an ancient photograph is an epic fail of the first magnitude.

Maybe doing a bit of research before rushing to post pro-zionist propaganda would be an immense help to your education and understanding

May I point to some illuminating sites

Comrade Stalin
Yep the grand Mufti joined the Nazis just shows you Muslims and Russians are a lot alike.both are terrorist and you can not trust either .
You in Palistine lol more likely your mommy's basement or the public library
Strawman Logical fallacy.

Here your argument collapses, because. as you very well know, or should know. not all Palestinians support direct action

Comrade Stalin
I don't care about that.
Palestine is the home of Hamas and they should be eradicated fully. If the Palestinians are prepared to have a terrorist organisation running their country, don't complain when they start a war then get the shit blasted out of it. They've had the chances to get rid of Hamas and chose not too.
Israel will do the job for them. Bibi will not ease off this time and nor he should. Flatten everything then see how tough they are. Fuck Hamas and their terrorism.
I don't care about that.
Palestine is the home of Hamas and they should be eradicated fully. If the Palestinians are prepared to have a terrorist organisation running their country, don't complain when they start a war then get the shit blasted out of it. They've had the chances to get rid of Hamas and chose not too.
Israel will do the job for them. Bibi will not ease off this time and nor he should. Flatten everything then see how tough they are. Fuck Hamas and their terrorism.
Well said boris
Anyway, the topic is about fundamentalist jews who oppose the state of israel..

difficult narrative for zionist apologists and their fellow travellers to address..

so they ignore it..

or anything else that does not support the "antisemitic" trope

Comrade Stalin
Anyway, the topic is about fundamentalist jews who oppose the state of israel..

difficult narrative for zionist apologists and their fellow travellers to address..

so they ignore it..

or anything else that does not support the "antisemitic" trope

Comrade Stalin
Jews also have wrong ideas just like other people. God gives wisdom to the humble. All others have opinions that are about worthless.
You know what I mean.
You're very bold with your comments until you get challenged. Not everyone thinks like you.
Your are correct.

If everyone thought like me, the world would be at peace with human rights for all, clean and affordable housing and well-fed
educated children.

Instead, we have a world crafted by the evil capitalists on wall street and their corrupt lickspittles in washington and the media empires..

Comrade Stalin
Your are correct.

If everyone thought like me, the world would be at peace with human rights for all, clean and affordable housing and well-fed
educated children.

Instead, we have a world crafted by the evil capitalists on wall street and their corrupt lickspittles in washington and the media empires..

Comrade Stalin
Correction: Capitalists may be evil but communism is wicked.
Notice that this opposition to the state of israel completely destroys the hoary antisemitic trope so dominant in the media.

When I lived in the UK, Jeremy Corban was the ONLY politician who supported Palestine.

Naturally, his leadership of the Labour Party was destroyed by the constant charge of anti-semitism.

Now the are trying the same thing with Roger Waters, former bass player in Pink Floyd.

Luckily, Roger loves a good fight and the zionist fellow-travellers are getting a beating

Comrade Stalin
Notice that this opposition to the state of israel completely destroys the hoary antisemitic trope so dominant in the media.

When I lived in the UK, Jeremy Corban was the ONLY politician who supported Palestine.

Naturally, his leadership of the Labour Party was destroyed by the constant charge of anti-semitism.

Now the are trying the same thing with Roger Waters, former bass player in Pink Floyd.

Luckily, Roger loves a good fight and the zionist fellow-travellers are getting a beating

Comrade Stalin
The problem facing enemies of Israel is that Israel is God's friend.

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