Jesse Ventura JFK episode of Conspiracy Theory

Show me a video or article that claims the CBS experiment was duplicate to the exact same conditions of the actual histpric happenings. Until you do that you have nothing and are simply spewing conspiracy theory meme.

When you produce a video or article showing what I asked you for I'll respond. I will not argue this hoax with you anymore until you produce one or the other requested evidence.
Show me a video or article that claims the CBS experiment was duplicate to the exact same conditions of the actual histpric happenings. Until you do that you have nothing and are simply spewing conspiracy theory meme.

When you produce a video or article showing what I asked you for I'll respond. I will not argue this hoax with you anymore until you produce one or the other requested evidence.

The Warren Commission findings are the standard. The Commission concluded Oswald was the shooter. Until you show evidence that is not the case, " have nothing and are simply spewing conspiracy theory meme..."
When you produce a video or article showing what I asked you for I'll respond. I will not argue this hoax with you anymore until you produce one or the other requested evidence.
While you are at it, produce your I.Q. score.
I'm not going to get into the JFK conspiracy theory but I will say this. There is absolutely no way on God's green earth Oswald shot Kennedy with the number of hits within the time frame the Warren Commission claims with that Carcano rifle. The Carcano is an Italian bolt-action rifle that is known in shooting circles as fairly inaccurate. They don't call it the "Humanitarian rifle" for nothing.

I've entered well over 30 major and minor long-distance shooting tournaments in my life and not even I could duplicate that feat. And Oswald was no marksman. He was pretty ordinary.

Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory is pretty interesting. I liked the one about Plum Island. One of the best ones he's done yet.

Actually yes it would have been simple in technical terms for Oswald to accomplish the three shots in the allotted time.

In shooting circles the Carcano is known as the weapon which was used to kill Kennedy it was a conspiracy theorist who coined the term Humanitarian rifle which no one had heard of until then.

FBI weapons experts who tested and studied Oswald's own rifle stated it was about as accurate as the average M14.

The time involved is 7.9 seconds to 8.8 seconds depending on which expert analyzes the film and either way it is plenty of time to get off 3 aimed shots with such a rifle. Oswald was an average Marine marksmen which in fact DOES make him an exceptional marksmen in comparison to the rank and file population. Finally the target was less than 100 yards which is easy for any Marine even with a substandard rifle. While it is true the target was moving the moving aspect was almost DIRECTLY away from Oswald making for a very easy shot as the target was only shrinking in his sight and very slowly. People ignore that it would have been a little trickier to shoot from the grassy knoll as the shooter would have to lead the target which would have moved across his line of sight from left to right. Oswald's position made it easier.