Jesse Jackson gives warning about Obama!!!

This entire post speaks volumes about the sorry state of their candidate's faltering campaign. This is a game changer? Now that's funny.
This news will put the Obama kingdom in the dust!!! Jesse Jackson warns that Obama won't be an allied to Israel should he become president... This tells me that he thinks that Obama is muslim.....

What do you think??

No, this just tells me that Jesse Jackson is a self-aggrandizing asshole.
He IS a Muzzie, and has been since the day he was born, and anyone who knows anything about Muzzies knows it! Only the sheltered American sheeple deny it.

Proof of that? Do you speak that way about all religions other than your own, or just "Muzzies"?
its not news worthy because the messiah said its not true

but that did not stop me from forwarding it to every jewish person I know in florida :)

Are you trying to compete with "the big schlep?" (LOL), Sarah Silverman's video? Most Jewish people I know are voting for Obama, hands-down. Last poll I saw said that he had 68% of the Jewish vote, somewhat down from the 75% that Kerry had, but still decidely in his favor.
The reality is that Obama, a man that hates whites as he wrote on his book (Dreams of MY Father) hates whites and he's now pandering to whites...
you believe what you wanna believe....

He hates his own mother and grandparents? Boy that's a revelation - nice that you have the insight to analyze what's going on in his own brain. I'd also like to see how you got the impression from his books that he hates whites. Have you read the books in their entirety? I know, I know, that requires some time dedication and actual reading skills, but just thought I'd ask. As a person who did read both books in their entirety, I have no idea how any sane individual could get that impression. Now, if you ascertained this insight based on excerpts from right-wing blog sites, then that makes more sense to me. Still wrong, but at least I'd understand where it comes from.
So what are you saying, that Obama is really Jesse?

Maybe that's the way you see it but I don't see that the two have anything in common. I know that Obama gets the rap that he thinks highly of himself, but unlike jesse, i think he has the substance to back that up. Sorry you don't agree.

Do people really think Jesse is somehow Obama's spokesperson, simply because he is black? Do people feel that all white people also speak for him because he is half-white as well?