Jack Smith, Over-reach Personified


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2023
Jack got so many friendly rulings from Dem judges that he forgot that there are some who actually act like neutral agents of the Constitution. This lump of coal may stick in his craw. It couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Pardon my glee...
Jack got his lump of coal, but now I'm not so sure he didn't know what ruling he would get from the court, wanted just that, and needed it to shift gears to a more productive agenda; Eg: he has a different tact that Trump is not prepared for and needed an excuse to change horses in mid-stream. Maybe it's a brand-new legal charge that can be brought to trial in June or July with a friendly judge and lots of discovery motions to drag out the issue, keep it in the headlines, and further muddy the waters. Remember, Dems don't care about right & wrong, truth & justice, legal & illegal, just winning by any means necessary. When you have the referee in your pocket, keep the ball in the air and hope for a foul call against the other team.

Expect the unexpected.
Jack got his lump of coal, but now I'm not so sure he didn't know what ruling he would get from the court, wanted just that, and needed it to shift gears to a more productive agenda; Eg: he has a different tact that Trump is not prepared for and needed an excuse to change horses in mid-stream. Maybe it's a brand-new legal charge that can be brought to trial in June or July with a friendly judge and lots of discovery motions to drag out the issue, keep it in the headlines, and further muddy the waters. Remember, Dems don't care about right & wrong, truth & justice, legal & illegal, just winning by any means necessary. When you have the referee in your pocket, keep the ball in the air and hope for a foul call against the other team.

Expect the unexpected.

It's getting up your nose that Smith is so smart. He lost that one but Trump is still off the ballot.

This episode is a sideshow to the big dance. He won't be asking for an opinion then, he'll show evidence.

I do notice how you never chimed in when he succeeded a few times, only in a defeat. How coincidental.
It's getting up your nose that Smith is so smart. He lost that one but Trump is still off the ballot.

This episode is a sideshow to the big dance. He won't be asking for an opinion then, he'll show evidence.

I do notice how you never chimed in when he succeeded a few times, only in a defeat. How coincidental.
Democrats do not realize how incensed Americans are at their continual violations of American laws and the human and civil rights of good Americans in order to fix elections in their favor.
Democrats do not realize how incensed Americans are at their continual violations of American laws and the human and civil rights of good Americans in order to fix elections in their favor.

lol biased right wing claims to know what "americans" think.

yeah, everywhere you go, on street corners, you hear americans being incensed

its only ***** republicans who think the dems fixed the elections., which is why juries keep ruling against people like rudy. lol
Democrats do not realize how incensed Americans are at their continual violations of American laws and the human and civil rights of good Americans in order to fix elections in their favor.
Of course and godbothering nut cases like you don't realise how you are holding back the country in general.
Jack will screw the fat arse off Trump in time.
You enjoy look8ng stupid lol
You may not be able to see the wickedness of the political persecution of Trump and his supporters for being Republican just as Democrats in older times could not see the wickedness of unjustly lynching black men for being black.