Its about time Alcohol was called out for what it is.

F*ck you and your socialist mentality .... it is not greed ... it is personal choice and you do not have the "right" to tell anyone how they should live .....

You socialist POS ... welcome to the US Constitution where everyone has the right to chose and not the right to choose according to your sick ideology!

You sick f*ck go post your sh*t on some O supporting communist blog .....

When you rely on public funds, we get to tell you what we will pay for and what we wont.
F*ck you and your socialist mentality .... it is not greed ... it is personal choice and you do not have the "right" to tell anyone how they should live .....

You socialist POS ... welcome to the US Constitution where everyone has the right to chose and not the right to choose according to your sick ideology!

You sick f*ck go post your sh*t on some O supporting communist blog .....

I never said that you never get to make your own personal choices, but its nobody elses but your responsibility to pay for them.
F*ck you and your socialist mentality .... it is not greed ... it is personal choice and you do not have the "right" to tell anyone how they should live .....

You socialist POS ... welcome to the US Constitution where everyone has the right to chose and not the right to choose according to your sick ideology!

You sick f*ck go post your sh*t on some O supporting communist blog .....

The constitution does not have any provision for public services.
F*ck you and your socialist mentality .... it is not greed ... it is personal choice and you do not have the "right" to tell anyone how they should live .....

You socialist POS ... welcome to the US Constitution where everyone has the right to chose and not the right to choose according to your sick ideology!

You sick f*ck go post your sh*t on some O supporting communist blog .....
Tradewinds reply to the above:
When you rely on public funds, we get to tell you what we will pay for and what we wont.
Tradewinds I don't always agree with everything you say, but you are to be commended for keeping your cool in a response to the savage ranting of TexTea.
Tradewinds reply to the above:

Tradewinds I don't always agree with everything you say, but you are to be commended for keeping your cool in a response to the savage ranting of TexTea.
Im a real estate broker for Century 21 and im a member of the NAR, the National Association of Realtors.

But that simply isn't where I come from.
There was a time when I was on SSI, I couldn't do just anything I wanted with it.
I had to prove that I paid my bills with it every year.
Im a real estate broker for Century 21 and im a member of the NAR, the National Association of Realtors.

But that simply isn't where I come from.
There was a time when I was on SSI, I couldn't do just anything I wanted with it.
I had to prove that I paid my bills with it every year.
I'm with you on that. I'm on soc sec. I paid for it all my life and nobody is going to mess with it.
Also I'm on medicare. I don't care who calls it communist or socialist. It is great. Very little hassle, no preexisting conditions. It would be great if everyone could be on it. Too bad Obama couldn't pull that off.
No, that isn't true.
Because Europe has a much, much higher rate of alcohol abuse.
Alcohol is addictive, and the younger a person starts, the more likely they are to become alcoholics, and having a friendly invite to drink it, tells the kid that its ok to use it, and what comes with it, is addiction over time.

As a matter of fact, children who grow up with parents who drink, are more likely to drink themselves.

And what happens to 14 year olds who steal liquor from their dads, is they get a belt across their ass and learn a lesson.
I did a little research on that and I was ready to concede but then I noticed somethings.

In a search for a comparison of alcoholism in europe versus the united states the first two pages of results yielded about 18 articles that all said it was a myth that a culture in which young people drink in the family leads to responsible drinking. Wow I was impressed. But a little thinking on the subject leads me to not be impressed. None of those articles actually said that alcoholism was worse in those countries. They said things like more young folks report having had a drink in the last 30 days. Well if they were drinking responsibly then who cares if they had a drink. Another stat was that more of them were intoxicated recently. Again, I am not all that concerned if people are a bit buzzed. What not a one of them said is that any of them were alcoholics. In fact one article compared the disease burden due to alchohol in the us to that of the rest of the world. South america and russia have it bad. Africa where they dont drink much does not have many problems. and western europe was about the same as us.

Then I wondered to myself: why in a search for information about alcoholism did I get almost all of the results talking about the myth of the European culture of drinking and simultaneously not actually talking about alcoholism? That was not what I had searched for. The answer must be that there is a concerted effort to dispel that myth so strong that it brings it to the top of the search engine results even when that is not what has been searched for. This stinks of politics to me.

So first let me say that I do not actually drink myself - maybe two or three drinks top per YEAR. Second I am a retired shrink and I have some experience thinking about things like this.

So I dont see it as a problem if a culture invites people to drink as long as the invite is to drink responsibly. Most people who drink are not addicted to it. Children who grow up with parents who drink are more likely to drink themselves - uh, who cares? As long as they are responsible I dont care.

So lets re focus the questions here on alcoholism and the promotion of irresponsible drinking habits and ignore global statements about alcohol use that are to vague to be meaningful. There are plenty of problems with the way alcohol is presented in our culture. Take the very poplar song that my kids listen to on the radio called "Timber". They dont know it but basically the song is a joyous celebration of drinking to excess and losing all memory of the event. There are plenty of problems that we can talk about but just the fact that someone drinks at all is not a problem.
F*ck you and your socialist mentality .... it is not greed ... it is personal choice and you do not have the "right" to tell anyone how they should live .....

You socialist POS ... welcome to the US Constitution where everyone has the right to chose and not the right to choose according to your sick ideology!

You sick f*ck go post your sh*t on some O supporting communist blog .....

Huh? It seems to me that the guy was against public medicine.
When you rely on public funds, we get to tell you what we will pay for and what we wont.
A very good reason to to have people relying on public funds. So since I want my freedom from people telling me what gets paid for and what does not do I get to opt out of the system and stop paying into it?
I'm with you on that. I'm on soc sec. I paid for it all my life and nobody is going to mess with it.
Also I'm on medicare. I don't care who calls it communist or socialist. It is great. Very little hassle, no preexisting conditions. It would be great if everyone could be on it. Too bad Obama couldn't pull that off.
Just give everyone a choice to pay in or not. Then set it up so that it actually paid out based on what was paid in and without extra contributions from congress.
Prohibition was tried in the 1920s and was an incredible failure. Violent crime shot up to a gigantic size. Law enforcement was unable to enforce the law effectively, and the fact booze was illegal, made it cool and rebellious to use it.