Isn't evolution wonderful.

Evolution is simply what happened. It's like gravity and weather.
It certainly is not uncomplicated.

The universe was not designed as a puzzle for us to solve. We will never fully understand how the Universe works.

However, it is quite obvious that talking snakes and punishing the entire human race for making a poor culinary choice that causes an all powerful, yet just deity to punish hundreds of generations for prohibited snacking s a bogus proposition.

It is easier to understand what is not the truth than what is,
Monkeys and their uncles, at least the ones who are not eaten by cannibals, make a big deal about the myth of evolution.

Stupid insulting cartoons from the 1800's are of no use to anyone.

Evolution is a FACT.
Like the gas laws, electricity, magnetism and gravity.

Mark thinks that Adam was made of mud or dust and Eve was made from Adam's rib.
A lot more than it's done for the delusional godbotherers like you.
Evolution may have given Biden and pals courage in trampling the rights of non-democrat Americans under the evolutionist golden rule: 'Only the superior survive' (the godless and morally depraved atheistic doctrine of survival of the fittest.)
Evolution may have given Biden and pals courage in trampling the rights of non-democrat Americans under the evolutionist golden rule: 'Only the superior survive' (the godless and morally depraved atheistic doctrine of survival of the fittest.)
What a load of crap. Grow up you silly fool.
What's evolution done for the old man clinging to life in the WH?
What has gravity done for you? How about oxygen?
But you are breathing and not floating about, aren't you.

Evolution is a FACT. It is not a political movement, it is not a cause. It does not need to have a purpose.