Well-Known Member
I think all of the world's major religions fear women - Hindu, Judaism, Christianity, Muslim. Look at their fundamentalist forms. Women are not treated very well.
GhostDog, continued
Some would now think that there is absolutely no hope for women in Islam. How dare you let such a thought enter your filthy mind! May you be roasted in hellfire for thinking this way. Actually, the "all merciful" Allah did tell Mohammed that a woman can enter paradise! How, you may ask? Well, it's quite simple. All she has to do is please her husband--answer to his mating call wherever or whenever he wants and Bingo!, she's got a free one-way ticket to paradise! See how easy it is. She doesn't have to be intelligent, she doesn't have to have a good personality and she need not perform any good deeds. All she has to do is obey and please her husband. That's it! She gets to go to paradise and watch her husband make out with the 72 Houris and 28 young boys-- every woman's dream come true. Is it any wonder that Mohammed's wives fought over him every night? Again, I have listed the quotes below which support my point.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 211 (60)) Omme Salmah reported that the messenger of Allah said, "Any female (wife or concubine) who dies while her husband was pleased with her will enter Paradise."
This is clarified in the very next Hadith.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p.211 (61)) Tal qe-b-Ali reported that the Messenger of Allah said, "When a man calls his wife to satisfy his desire, let her come to him though she is occupied at the oven."
(Al Hadis, Vol. 4, p. 172, No. 34) Ali reported that the Apostle of Allah said, "There is in Paradise a market wherein there will be no buying or selling, but will consist of men and women. When a man desires a beauty, he will have intercourse with them."
Notice that all the privileges are granted to men and even though women may enter paradise they do not get 72 male sex bombs and 28 young girls. Shouldn't it be the same for them as well?
One can imagine how Muslims must treat women of other faiths if they treat Muslim women in such a degrading manner. One should not accept much from a religion which dictates how one should piss, fart, and ****!
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 682-683, No. 106) Ayesha reported that the Prophet of Allah enquired as he was dying, "Where shall I pass tomorrow, where shall I pass tomorrow?" He was hoping it would be me (Ayesha), so his other wives gave him permission to use their turns so he could be with me (Ayesha) until he died.
Picture this, here is a "saintly" old man dying in the arms of his seventeen year old child bride and still fantasizing about which one of his wives to have sex with the next day. How truly divine the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) was!!
This is a quote from a writer on an unnamed web site. Sorry I can't give you the source as you would probably put a price on the author's head.
I appreciate your grasp of islam is going to be superior to mine - but it does not get around the fact that the basic tenets of sharia, and therefore islamic, law subjugate women. A woman is worth half a man in court, a quarter of a man in marriage (if the husband has 4 wives), and may be divorced at the whim of her husband.
Just because you choose to live in a free society does not mean that sharia is any less valid - merely you choose to ignore major sections of it.
Maybe it is time I clarified the word fear - fear can mean literally afraid, but it can also mean phobia - hense why I called it Matraphobia (it should correctly be called Gynophobia). The jist of the argument is that men are men the world over, and anything that femminises them is seen as weak and degenerate. They fear the femmine as weak, and see women as property and son bearers - maybe modern sensibility has changed this, but it is still true in the quaran.
Violance and cruelty are inside of the human. This is not about religion. As a Muslim girl , I can easily say that Islam is a religion against violance. To Islam you mustn't harm/damage/attack anybody. This is big sin.
These kind of cruelties are not related with any religion. This is about being a bad person, cruel person.
Don't you see violance to women, cruelty to women in the world? Are all of them Muslim? The matter is the violance against to women , the matter is not religion.
(ps: My english is intermediate. So if I've made some mistakes, so sorry)
No.I had answered to general. But I'm going to answer with pleasure.Blue
Perhaps you can explain this to me:
If Islam is really a religion of peace, who are all these Muslim terrorists?
Wasn't Osama bin Laden a Muslim?
Aren't all the suicide bombers Muslim? If not, name one who isn't.
Isn't the government of Iran a Muslim theocracy?
Please, explain this to me. I hear what YOU say but the behavior of Muslims says exactly the opposite of your peace and love. Are you lying to an infidel?
Perhaps you can explain this to me:
If Islam is really a religion of peace, who are all these Muslim terrorists?
Wasn't Osama bin Laden a Muslim?
Aren't all the suicide bombers Muslim? If not, name one who isn't.
Isn't the government of Iran a Muslim theocracy?
Please, explain this to me. I hear what YOU say but the behavior of Muslims says exactly the opposite of your peace and love. Are you lying to an infidel?
Seriously, you sort of annoy me. It's this kind of broad application of utter CRAP that makes people as ignorant as rocks.
1) Islam as the Religion of Peace; Sure you have a good number of terroristic jihadists who have a warped view of islam, but then again these aren't the ones who say it is the religion of peace, instead rather they're under the banner of war. Those muslims who herald islam as the religion of peace, by this very statement, would be peaceful or in their own eyes, not muslim.
2) Wasn't Osama Bin Laden Muslim; Well first of all let me point out that he is still alive so that paste tense interrogative is a bit out of place. Second, Is he a Muslim? To be honest he's as Muslim as Eric Rudolph is Christian. That's a subjective question. Those who are peaceful muslims, no he is not. Those who are the extremist jihadists, yes he is. Subjectivity invalidates this as an argumentative point, since it requires a prior belief on the matter rather than simple facts.
3) Aren't all the suicide bombers muslim? Well what do we have here? A loaded question. Depending on your context of the article "The" the answer can be either yes or no. I imagine if I say No and point out many cases of christian bombers who died in the act in Ireland, you'd say you're referring to the middle eastern conflict. However I must point out that if this is the case, you're creating a false point; the middle eastern conflict is a conflict of extremist islam, just as the Irish bombers and attacks were of extremist nationalistic christians.
4) Isn't the government of Iran a Muslim theocracy? I'd say it's more Secular/Islam. Akin to the GWB United States with it's heavy christian undercurrents.
5) Please, explain this to me. I hear what YOU say but the behavior of Muslims says exactly the opposite of your peace and love. Are you lying to an infidel? ; How crass. This digresses into a personal attack, calling her a liar because of your anecdotal and fact dismissing ideals, I suggest you try another route. Earlier answers here ought answer the remainder of this question.
Before I get some weird backlash from you, I'm not muslim, I've never been muslim, and have no association with the islamic religion in any form other than studies and those I've worked with who were muslim.
You're ideas here spew ignorance and the dismissal of counteractive truths, this debate falls short of intriguing or intuitive. This material has been rehashed, reargued, and pummeled into the threads of many a forum, and always they digress into mudslinging festivals of crap. Try to avoid the uneducated intolerance that you hold on to so dearly under the guise of patriotism or whatever rock you're holding on to steadfastly for these failed arguments.