I seem to recall that in the Bible it says that you are not in a position to tell someone that they are or are not beyond redemption. You don't come across as a very good spokesperson for your religion, your grasp of Scripture seems weak.
I was talking about intellectual redemption -- something scripture alone, sadly, does not provide.
Don't be so hysterical, Nums, you look silly with all that foam around your mouth.
Its more resignation than hysteria. As I said, against calcified ignorance, even god contends in vain.
If you have free-will and some supernatural being tells you what you HAVE to do with that free-will or He will send you to Hell for eternal torment, then that supernatural being is using your FEAR of Hell and eternal torment to make you do what He demands. Christianity is a religion based on fear of Heavenly vegeance.
No. Human free will is the faculty by which we discern and obtain the
FULLNESS OF HUMAN LIFE. If you act in a way that contradicts this, you are not in fact free, but a
SLAVE to your own base nature.
The nature of sin and eternal punishment therefore, in view of soteriology, becomes moot. Until you learn to act in a manner fit for human existence, hence obtain the rewards inherent in such an action, you are doomed to an existence that is less than human -- a personal hell of your own making.
So, you can act according to divine revelation, or discern the
SAME thing through the natural operation of human reason -- your choice.
I gotta tell ya, Nums, if that encyclical was the culmination of western philosophical thought, then we are in deeeeeep trouble. I mean look at the basis for Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was His own Father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and drink His blood, and telepathically tell Him that you accept Him as your Master, so He can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree... That's rational?
I can see that you have not read the particular encyclical. What I cannot understand is how you pretend to criticize it without knowing it to begin with?
If the standard for rational action is an informed choice -- a fundamental awareness of such an action's
logical consequences -- then it follows that rejection of something without awareness is
NOT AN ACT OF FREE WILL. To my mind, only beasts of a lesser order of rationality behave without free will. They are slaves to their own base nature.