Nothing new, Nums, same tired rhetoric. And twice you have dodged the Constitutional equal protection clause, so I'm going to assume that unequality under the law is acceptable to you as long as you are on the winning side.
Once again you have dodged the question about lesbian women's rights, and the rights--or lack of--for sterile couples or couples who decide not to have children.
Instead you are totally focused on making sure that gay men don't get rights of which you have judged them undeserving. This is a religious defense of a tradition, which espouses inequality based on judgments of person's worth. Your dismissal of adopted children is a case in point.
Gosh, Nums, a religious elitist, who would have thought it possible? Cap'n Trips on another site is just like you, he said that it was necessary for heterosexual couples to have special rights under the law or they wouldn't procreate anymore. Well, several countries have legalized homosexual marriages and a couple of States as well, so you and the queen better stop having sex because the world is ending. I don't necessarily think you should feel too bad about being stuck in the 15th century, Christianity as a monolithic entity has had be dragged kicking and screaming into the present all down through its history. Every civil rights movement has been opposed by the conservative factions of the church who don't want anything to change. The end of feudalism and monarchies, recognition that women have souls, recognition of the rights of indigenous people's everywhere, ending the persecution of Jews, women's right to own property, women's right to vote, rights of people with other religions, ending slavery, equal rights for people of color,...even the surgical repair of birth defects is opposed. It's a long and ugly list, Nums, you have a lot of company in spitting on the egalitarian teachings of Jesus.
But just remember George Wallace standing on the steps of that school stating that there would NEVER be integration. What people like you do is make the church and the teachings of Jesus look irrelevant because you are so upset that someone might get something that you think they don't deserve that you have no time left for the strenuous work that YOUR Savior demanded of you. Nice going, Nums.
I won't even try to argue you fallacious definitions, they too are the same old nonsense you've been posting.