Well-Known Member
I think you need to explain in depth exactly what your position on this is.
Barack Hussain Obama was born to a muslim father who raised him in an Islamic school. He was a muslim.
what isn't clear about that?
I think you need to explain in depth exactly what your position on this is.
I was Chrisitened Protestant but I have nothing but contempt for religion.
Your point?
PLEASE start using your brain.
How does the fact that it is illegal in some countries to convert make it impossible for an indivudal to revoke his faith?
Just because Islam says that it is illegal for a Muslim to convert doesn't mean it is impossible.
For example, you claim to be a converted Muslim... are you still a Muslim?
according to Islam I am a muslim.
and I have received deaths threats for "conversion".
all you keep repeating is your point of view from the West... and that's not what's important.
if you could only understand that a victory for Obama is a victory for Islam... then it might come into perspective for you.
Do you have some proof that this is what Obama believes, or believed?
there is no such thing "some" interpretations.According to some interpretations of Islam. Get this through your head.
maybe he should address this in public then.
has he?
why does he avoid it? he ran away from the press yesterday, the wuss.
there is no such thing "some" interpretations.