Is Joe pushing us closer to nuclear war or is he being crafty

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

Interesting possibility's here. , are uncle dementia Joe nd giggles work with the limeys and arm the Ukraine with long range weapons and take a chance it escalates and Russia uses a tactical nuke or possibly a ICBM.
Are they or one of them bluffing? or are we closer then we ever have been to a nuke war before.
Will Putin wait till giggles is in office to act up and get uppity. knowing shes weak and indecisive .

I know these are things liberals don't care about anymore. Seems these days all they are interested in is spending money on trans surgery's for illegals in prison and benefits for illegals. After all if they were concerned about the nation's security, they would not of allowed millions of unvetted people from around the world .

I wonder who is advising Joe last I heard it was his son Hunter and Jill sitting in on meetings as his advisors , Who KNOWS .

Any way this could get interesting, if the president and the cabinet cannot be found and the rich are flying watch out
Your life and future are in this mans hands ,

That is reassuring isnt it? lol
I doubt it’s ever that he’s being crafty. But Russia is evil and so is Trump. If Nuclear war is inevitable I’d rather not have him leading the charge. I’d rather die knowing we had a moral leader. Which Biden isn’t moral in my mind since Gaza happened but you know what I’m saying. Both sides would have to deal with this if in power. Unless Trump wants to sellout not only Ukraine but his own country to the Russians. Evil will always be at your door eventually. It’s best you not be evil yourself so have a chance at dealing with it better.
Blah blah blah lol
It is impossible to state anything with certainty, but according to Sebastien Philippe, an associate research scholar with the Program on Science and Global Security at Princeton University, "the world is closest to the prospect of nuclear use, escalation and war that it has been in decades"1. Atomic scientists have set the Doomsday Clock closer to midnight than ever before, citing threats of nuclear war, disease and climate volatility that have been exacerbated by Russia's invasion of Ukraine2. However, the UN thinks that nuclear war is an unlikely prospect3.
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I doubt it’s ever that he’s being crafty. But Russia is evil and so is Trump. If Nuclear war is inevitable I’d rather not have him leading the charge. I’d rather die knowing we had a moral leader. Which Biden isn’t moral in my mind since Gaza happened but you know what I’m saying. Both sides would have to deal with this if in power. Unless Trump wants to sellout not only Ukraine but his own country to the Russians. Evil will always be at your door eventually. It’s best you not be evil yourself so have a chance at dealing with it better.
its looking like giggles will be InCharge there goes any hope of common sense and intelligence. And be real between trump joe and Harris none of them have any scruples or morales
its looking like giggles will be InCharge there goes any hope of common sense and intelligence. And be real between trump joe and Harris none of them have any scruples or morales
I agree. All three of them seem morally bankrupt to me. But I think Trump is the worst of them. The guy is literally going to betray Ukraine to the Russians. That’s how he’ll solve it in a day like he said. He might even help Russia take them over. He doesn’t care about anyone but himself and would love to kill innocent people just for FUN. The difference is Biden and Harris will kill people over donors or the status quo which is still evil. But Trump is an evil and stupid narcissist. Which is the worst kind of evil. He’s a tyrant basically.
I agree. All three of them seem morally bankrupt to me. But I think Trump is the worst of them. The guy is literally going to betray Ukraine to the Russians. That’s how he’ll solve it in a day like he said. He might even help Russia take them over. He doesn’t care about anyone but himself and would love to kill innocent people just for FUN. The difference is Biden and Harris will kill people over donors or the status quo which is still evil. But Trump is an evil and stupid narcissist. Which is the worst kind of evil. He’s a tyrant basically.
I doubt he would do that ,
Trump will tell Putin he will allow Ukraine to do what they have to do to attack Russia! Go all the way into Russia! Putin will know Trump will do it!
You are seriously stupid
Trump doesn't care about ukraine
America first duh

Trump refuses to say whether he wants Ukraine to win war against Russia
During the presidential debate Trump refused to back a victory for Kyiv, opening himself up to renewed attacks over his closeness to Putin

Trump threatens to cut US aid to Ukraine quickly if reelected
Ukraine’s allies are scrambling to secure long-term aid for Kyiv amid fears about a second Trump term.

You are so stupid
You are seriously stupid
Trump doesn't care about ukraine
America first duh

Trump refuses to say whether he wants Ukraine to win war against Russia
During the presidential debate Trump refused to back a victory for Kyiv, opening himself up to renewed attacks over his closeness to Putin

Trump threatens to cut US aid to Ukraine quickly if reelected
Ukraine’s allies are scrambling to secure long-term aid for Kyiv amid fears about a second Trump term.

You are so stupid
Ok prove he dosnt care about it lug nut your claim and you always ask others to prove it so prove it or stfu
You are seriously stupid
Trump doesn't care about ukraine
America first duh

Trump refuses to say whether he wants Ukraine to win war against Russia
During the presidential debate Trump refused to back a victory for Kyiv, opening himself up to renewed attacks over his closeness to Putin

Trump threatens to cut US aid to Ukraine quickly if reelected
Ukraine’s allies are scrambling to secure long-term aid for Kyiv amid fears about a second Trump term.

You are so stupid
Look welfare buff! Trump will threaten Putin to say we will go in or allow Ukraine to use OUR weapons to go further into Russia! Why in the hell do you think Russia did not act while Trump was in? He acted days after Harris visited!