Well-Known Member
I do not doubt that phelp's swimming abilities and jordan's basketball abilities have considerable basis in genetics. But then again, a genetic potential is meaningless unless manifested by choice.
The essence of this topic is clear -- that a genetic basis for homosexuality is sufficient reason to craft a law exclusively for homosexuals.
I believe that is the whole reason for the gentics/enviro debate.
We can't discriminate based on things that people have no control over, like skin color or gender or age. But we do and should discriminate over all sorts of things that people do have control over like criminal activity and ignorance.
If being gay were genetic and not a result of decisions or controllable factors then we should probably alter the way we make laws regarding the issue. And why did I start that sentence with the words "being gay?" could it be that the terminology has been shaped so well by the movement that it is a part of everyone's vocabulary.