Is Harry Reid a Racist or just a Democrat?

Again, I want to know why Jesse High-Jackson and Al Sharpton are not demanding Reid's resignation? Why are they not demonstrating? Why are they not all over the media?

Well, it must be because its the weekend. I am certain they will be on all the news shows tomorrow.:eek:

Bubba Clinton's remark about Obama serving coffee is far more crass.
Both he and Reid are acurate if "insensitive".
How typical of Shaman's ilk. Instead of ever admitting fault, they always bring up something someone else did. It's worked out so well so far. Progress in leaps and bounds. Lol.
How typical of Shaman's ilk. Instead of ever admitting fault, they always bring up something someone else did.
Yeah...let's bust Harry Reid for saying Negro...and, give Trent Lott a pass for (actively) supporting a White-Racist org.

Yeah....that makes a lot o' sense.

Ahh so in other words its ok when democrats say racist things :)

You are so cute :)

There wasn't anything racist said.

A Black guy from the hood speaking to the electorate in ghetto street slang ain't gonna get elected President.

A charismatic, professional, highly educated, intelligent, well spoken Black man can... DID!;)

Trent Lott saying America would have been better off had the Dixiecrat segregationists been elected... that's racist.

What? "If you hang out with a certain group of people you can say things more openly because you are like family?" That sounds like an amazing lame attempt to justify his comment. Either a comment is racist or it is not. Which is it? It has nothing to do with political ideologies incorporated by either Party.

I said that didn't I? It was not.

If I have a black friend, does that then make it OK for me to go around making comments like this... because after all, I hang out with a black guy right?

When I played ball in the "stroke league" I'd throw out a "nigga please" to my Black friends when they were talking sh!t. They'd hit me the same way with the White boy stuff. It does matter if the people you're talking to knows they're really your friend. Saying it doesn't is silly. Harry Reid has an excellent Civil Rights record and is one of President Obama's biggest supporters.

In a poor fashion, which he should have (and has) apologized for.

Agreed. When pushed through a hyper critical politically correct spectrum what he said could be twisted in to something it was never meant to be. The correct thing to do is get out ahead of it and make it clear how you really feel. Good for Harry!

How about this. A study by the New Century Foundation has found that Blacks have a much higher crime rate than Whites. If I took that information and went out campaigning on the issue that black people ought to be profiled etc etc... I would be deemed a racist in a heartbeat, regardless that nothing I might have said would be "factually incorrect." (At least in theory)

See that's the problem... you're LOOKING for things to say. On balance one could say that in overall numbers though there are many more Whites in Jail than Blacks. So there are overall more White criminals.

But all of that is irrelevant because Harry Reid didn't go out making public pronouncements while campaigning anyway. He made a private comment.

Obviously people from all backgrounds like the President, he would not have gotten elected if that was not the case.

We agree... and Harry Reid was one of them.

When I played ball in the "stroke league" I'd throw out a "nigga please" to my Black friends when they were talking sh!t. They'd hit me the same way with the White boy stuff. It does matter if the people you're talking to knows they're really your friend. Saying it doesn't is silly. Harry Reid has an excellent Civil Rights record and is one of President Obama's biggest supporters.

If context is going to make the difference here, why couldn't Trent Lott play off the fact that in 1948 when Senator Thurmond ran for President he did so as a States Right's Dixiecrat.

Since the GOP generally support State's Rights, why was this ignored, and rather viewed through the racist lens and his filibuster of the Civil Rights Act, almost 20 years later?

Agreed. When pushed through a hyper critical politically correct spectrum what he said could be twisted in to something it was never meant to be. The correct thing to do is get out ahead of it and make it clear how you really feel. Good for Harry!

Seem a similar case can be made for Lott.

See that's the problem... you're LOOKING for things to say. On balance one could say that in overall numbers though there are many more Whites in Jail than Blacks. So there are overall more White criminals.

I didn't "look" for anything to say.. I stated a fact, backed up with research.

But all of that is irrelevant because Harry Reid didn't go out making public pronouncements while campaigning anyway. He made a private comment.

There is no such thing as a "private comment" when you are the Senate Majority Leader.
If context is going to make the difference here, why couldn't Trent Lott play off the fact that in 1948 when Senator Thurmond ran for President he did so as a States Right's Dixiecrat.

Since the GOP generally support State's Rights, why was this ignored, and rather viewed through the racist lens and his filibuster of the Civil Rights Act, almost 20 years later?

The filibuster speaks for itself. The difference on the saying that segregationist Dixiecrat policy would have been a good thing for our country does as well.

Seem a similar case can be made for Lott.

I think any impartial person that understood the context of Lott's statement and other Lott statements and stances would disagree.

I didn't "look" for anything to say.. I stated a fact, backed up with research.

I realize that but you're searching for the research so you can frame your argument. Such was not the case with Senator Reid. He made a simple private statement about someone he admired and wanted to see as President.

As I've been thinking about this in prior posts and was talking to the wife about and a possible lack of understanding about the word Negro was brought up that some of the younger people on this board may not really have context for... that's a slam on myself for being old not on anyone else by the way.;)

I can barely remember... and Reid is older than me... there was a time when the word Negro was the more respectful term and calling someone Black was considered derogatory. It wasn't until groups like the Black Panthers started owning the word that Blacks even called themselves Blacks. So with Reid I also see his wording as generational not disrespectful.

There is no such thing as a "private comment" when you are the Senate Majority Leader.

I've addressed this. No harm was meant and it was not a public statement as the one Trent Lott made which we were comparing it to.

TOPGUN SAID:As I've been thinking about this in prior posts and was talking to the wife about and a possible lack of understanding about the word Negro was brought up that some of the younger people on this board may not really have context for... that's a slam on myself for being old not on anyone else by the way.;)

I can barely remember... and Reid is older than me... there was a time when the word Negro was the more respectful term and calling someone Black was considered derogatory. It wasn't until groups like the Black Panthers started owning the word that Blacks even called themselves Blacks. So with Reid I also see his wording as generational not disrespectful.

I think that you have quite effectively hit that nail square upon the head...there are still entities that have the 'WORD NEGRO' in their title: ie United Negro College and many was what the accepted terminology was at the time {the politically correct terminology} and the people that went after TRENT LOTT were in his very own party plus the President G.W.B., so perhaps there were other deep seated reasons for all of THOSE people to get BENT OUT OF SHAPE because of TRENT'S words at that time in that place...but there can't be and shouldn't be any comparison between the two men LOTT v. Reid and expect people to react in the same manner...just because a few want to make this an issue doesn't it an issue make ;)

I think that you have quite effectively hit that nail square upon the head...there are still entities that have the 'WORD NEGRO' in their title: ie United Negro College and many was what the accepted terminology was at the time {the politically correct terminology} and the people that went after TRENT LOTT were in his very own party plus the President G.W.B., so perhaps there were other deep seated reasons for all of THOSE people to get BENT OUT OF SHAPE because of TRENT'S words at that time in that place...but there can't be and shouldn't be any comparison between the two men LOTT v. Reid and expect people to react in the same manner...just because a few want to make this an issue doesn't it an issue make ;)

Well, it is pretty certain that he is not going to resign, however he is currently set up to be out of office by the end of the year.
Yep, that's pretty much the clear understanding and pre-ordained; so why - WHY make such an issue out of a MOLE HILL is just mind blowingly least IMO!

That is like saying, "Why make an issue about anything a President does his last year in office... he will just be gone in a year."

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