Is Gov Chris Christie a liberal?

Ahhh the Nazi like struggle for a fake Republican Purity...where no decent can happen , compromise is a dirty word, and doing anything that is in the best interest of the people, but not the party is scorned....

Enjoy, we will keep enjoying winning national Elections while you kill off your moderates. As a member of the Independence party in Minnesota its been a big help in growing our party.
Obama and his party lost all their creditability. House will grow more republicans and Senate will become republican after midterms and finaly Obama will be impeached just like Nixon was almost impeached
Obama and his party lost all their creditability. House will grow more republicans and Senate will become republican after midterms and finaly Obama will be impeached just like Nixon was almost impeached
been saying that shit since 1992...won one election popular vote since 92...quite a while. Just pretend that you can win with the old white rich man vote. I mean who needs the youth vote, the woman vote, blacks, Hispanics, the poor, or the college educated?

been saying that shit since 1992...won one election popular vote since 92...quite a while. Just pretend that you can win with the old white rich man vote. I mean who needs the youth vote, the woman vote, blacks, Hispanics, the poor, or the college educated?

I am white and some might say old, though I prefer to believe 55 is the new 35..and I sure am not rich...though in your deluded leftist world, anyone in the middle class with some net worth, (we chose to save and invest, rather than over spend...a right Americans still possess, but are penaltized for it) is probably considered rich.
Ahhh the Nazi like struggle for a fake Republican Purity...where no decent can happen , compromise is a dirty word, and doing anything that is in the best interest of the people, but not the party is scorned....

Enjoy, we will keep enjoying winning national Elections while you kill off your moderates. As a member of the Independence party in Minnesota its been a big help in growing our party.

wost recovery in history is what compromise got us. record numbers on foodstamps and medicaid is.good for.people ?

you have an interesting perspevtive
Dog Some welfare and food stamps are needed ok? But if youre able to work n sweat and 8 hour job then you don't need welfare. Welfare was designed who can not work. Not because you cant get a job, Not because nobody would hire you and not because youre black. Its there if you absolutely CAN NOT WORK!

been saying that shit since 1992...won one election popular vote since 92...quite a while. Just pretend that you can win with the old white rich man vote. I mean who needs the youth vote, the woman vote, blacks, Hispanics, the poor, or the college educated?

Obama's Popularity Plunges Amid Controversy

"The drop in Obama's support is fueled by a dramatic 17-point decline over the past month among people under 30, who, along with black Americans, had been the most loyal part of the Obama coalition," says Keating Holland, polling director for CNN. "It is clear that revelations about NSA surveillance programs have damaged Obama's standing with the public, although older controversies like the IRS matter may have begun to take their toll as well."