Is Gov Chris Christie a liberal?

Liberals are not historically Socialists; Progressives, or Social Democrats as they're known in Europe, are historically Socialists. Liberals are not historically for group rights; Progressives are historically for group rights.
Liberals are not historically Socialists; Progressives, or Social Democrats as they're known in Europe, are historically Socialists. Liberals are not historically for group rights; Progressives are historically for group rights.
True, if you are defining liberal as in libertarian which "historically" is what it meant.

However, today liberal and progressive are used synonymously.
However, today liberal and progressive are used synonymously.

I agree with this. I'm using a traditional definition of Liberal but I also acknowledge that people who weren't Liberal co-opted the term for themselves in order to ride it's coattails.
Christie is a hard bird to identify politically. He's been fiscally conservative/libertarian as Governor. He's taken on the corrupt unions as well. At the same time, he's been only to happy to use the Feds if NJ citizens benefit. He also went overboard with Obozo in his attempts to get Federal aid. God only knows where he'd be politically if he ran for President. As a conservative, I can only hope that his fiscal State policy and his willingness to spit in the face of union thugs, are representative of his actual character. If so, he may in fact be a conservative Obozo, able to play whatever political games necessary to achieve his position-objectives.​
Hes no where conservative as Nikki Haley. She didn't go to special elections she like most Republicans do. She Appoints a republican . edited for racist rant.
I haven't figured Christie out either. He looks to be playing it down the middle.
IMO...Our two party political system is not the big conundrum that many believe that it is. including myself.. up till now.. You know I think there comes a time in every person's life when they should ask themselves, "Am I part of the solution or am I part of the problem?" For the vast majority of Americans, not only do they fail to stop and consider that concept, but they fail to fully understand how to become a part of the solution.

I am approaching my 11th campaign cycle...cycles in which I was eligible to vote. the first 4 don't count.. I was an idiot..

Perhaps the simplest way to state this problem or dilemma is through the use of a metaphor. I am a 17 year old pregnant girl living at home. My boyfriend beats me and my father is angry and beats me also. Which man do I stay with? {Play jeopardy tune}

The correct answer is neither. Do you agree? If you do, congratulations, you have arrived at the solution. The safest course of action, given the facts, is to remove both men from your life.

We have an entire culture built upon the idea that we MUST select a candidate from one of our two morally corrupt and monopolistic political parties. Time and time again, commenters and emailers- citizens in general- implore each other to vote for one of these two sadistic men. Well, maybe your dad beats you but at least he provides shelter. I'd stay with him instead of that worthless boyfriend.

And so it goes... and so you do. And yet, we know that selecting one of these two men is not the solution. Why then- do we continue to do it? Why do we keep selecting one of two shitty candidates thinking that we will achieve a different result?

We are dumb shits, that's why. We are just as dumb as the two parties that run this country think we are. We are all 17 year old pregnant girls that think we are stuck with one of these two men. And I think the parties have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt- that this is true. We do it every two years. Over and over again. Now if you can accept the fact that you are an idiot- then there is a chance you can actually land on the solution and extract yourself from this idiot cycle.

How is it possible that we have an entire culture, an entire media empire, and an entire chorus of well educated people still practicing this concept of selecting one man because the other choice is even worse?

We have been brainwashed into thinking that any vote not cast for one of these two candidates is a "wasted" vote- when in fact- what I am starting to understand, the only wasted votes are the ones we cast for the men who continue to beat us.

It's not a conundrum. We know what the solution is.

This year, I am going to vote for the Libertarian candidate. This is what I will get. I am virtually guaranteed that the rich and elite did not select my candidate to continue their status quo tax system that allows them to keep all of their wealth while stripping me of mine.

I will not be voting for another clown prince of golf who seems content to destroy the U.S. by putting the Cloward-Piven welfare strategy into play and destroying our way of life.

I will not be voting for a silver spooned member of the aristocracy who has five mansions. This is a guy who views the White House like it was a HUD home. He doesn't represent my values.

Most importantly- I have escaped the life long brainwashing that still has so many people firmly in it's grasp. I started to become part of the solution prior to the last election. In fact, many voters , were talking about staying home on Nov. 6. I understand that actually. They will not be doing any harm by refusing to vote for a communist or an aristocrat. They are voting well or not at all.

One last thing. I don't want to hear one more brainwashed commenter tell me how to vote and why. I understand what they fear another Obama like President. But Obama is not the enemy. Our "two party"system is the problem. I am not the slightest bit interested in voting for either party or either of two terrible candidates- up to and including this.

If I knew I was casting the one tie breaking and thus winning vote (which of course is not possible) for the communist or the liberal conservative - I wouldn't.

I think some of us have figured out the solution. We don't support abusers or a system so completely broken that only an idiot would continue to support it. Vote well or not at all.