Iraq veteran's message to Obama

Those are interesting facts about that poll, I will go back and see if I can find that same information.

Are you suggesting that the military in general would rathar have Obama over McCain?

That, I cannot say one way or the other with any certainty. The only way to find out would be to poll the entire military arms, not just the readers of a particular military magazine, independently from the public polls.

LMAO, so now the polls are wrong! Just because the military prefer McCain doesn't make the poll wrong.

Never said the poll was wrong, I said it was inaccurate, but maybe that's too big a word for your intelligence to comprehend. Maybe if you repaired your "selective reading" you would understand.
It's interesting how insecure "males" (and I use that term loosely here) start calling names and attempting to insult others...
It's interesting how "low self-esteem" ladies here(OOOOzing with sarcasm) can not control the urge to have the last word......

Like I said
Ah, you can't be referring to me. Those who know me would think you were out of your mind describing me like that! LOL

Actually, I'm quite the opposite...too much so. It is a character "flaw" I am working on toning down. I probably shouldn't be admitting it on here, but since we don't know each other, I will.
There was recently a military poll, They overwhelmingly voted for McCain. Only the Blacks who were polls overwhelmingly supported Obama.

In 2004 and in 2000 the military overwhelmingly wanted the republican. Gore tried hard not to have Florida’s absentee military votes counted, he knew they were all Bush votes.

Under Clinton the troop morale was very low and was written about numerous times because it was decreasing steadily. It’s not like for us. Johnny Depp doesn’t like the USA so he moves to France, weirdo nuts in hollyweird say if they don’t get the president they want they will move to Canada.

If I get a governor I don’t want I can move to Washington, but the military is stuck till their contract is up. I feel for them. I am sorry you do not approve of me feeling for them.

you sign up to do a job, not cry about who is president, your job has nothing to do with who is president. there are over 4000 dead troops now from Bush's poor plan to invade Iraq, but when they signed up, like bush or not they know that you go where the president says, and its not your job to question why, just do it.

And guess what I know some military people, non came back happy Bush sent them to Iraq. one of my freinds who is republican , christian, and Was in Military Intel at the time ( I had to talk to the state department about her and her husband for there clearance even) and she even told me she thinks Bush if a complete idot. Also , she is white. I am not sure who she wants out of McCain and Obama because we dont talk about it , but She had no love for Bush, but she did her job because that's what you sign up for.

If the military has a issue with Obama, and his getting them home to there familys faster and getting out of Iraq, to damn bad. Its not there job.

Also seems more then a Few Mex Military Generals are on Obamas side...why is that? even Republican ones...
LMAO, so now the polls are wrong! Just because the military prefer McCain doesn't make the poll wrong.

What a lame excuss.

Well you realy proved that the poll was correct there, after that good rebutal of the possible bias of the came back with facts no one can debate....and by that I mean no facts.
It doesn't matter, right? I could give show you a poll by every single person in the millitary, and you'd deny something.

On your previous post you wrote "you sign up to do a job, not cry about who is president, your job has nothing to do with who is president"

Gee, and I thought the President was the Chief and Commander in Charge??? Silly me...
It doesn't matter, right? I could give show you a poll by every single person in the millitary, and you'd deny something.

On your previous post you wrote "you sign up to do a job, not cry about who is president, your job has nothing to do with who is president"

Gee, and I thought the President was the Chief and Commander in Charge??? Silly me...

yes he/she is, and it does not matter who wins, you do your job becuse who is president does not change that your job is to do what they say.