You would make a great Senior Foreign Service Officer (FSO). Over the last decade, I have had the opportunity to speak with and listen to a number of Senior FSO (Negroponte, Khalilzad, Crocker, Butenis, Hill, Jeffrey) and, Senior military Field Grade Officers of major Commanders (Sanchez, Casey, Petraeus, Odierno). They all have a very similar outlook. You are in very good company. I am well aware that I hold a minority view.
Thank you for the complement. I always enjoy talking with you as well. Those are indeed some big names, and I was lucky enough to attend graduate school with a list of professors that is equally notable -- which no doubt helped shape my viewpoints.
I do not see the current (or recent past) leadership operating in America's best interest. I see their decision making processes and outcomes seriously flawed.
Well -- I don't dispute this -- but I would think our definitions of what is in our interest might differ.

Thanks for this -- I look forward to reading through it.(Expanded SOURCE DATA)
The following are links that pertains to the analysis (Charts) I posted previously.
- COMPLETE REPORT: http://www.worldpublicopinion.org/pipa/pdf/apr07/CCGA _ViewsUS_article.pdf
- QUESTIONS: http://www.worldpublicopinion.org/pipa/pdf/apr07/CCGA _ViewsUS_quaire.pdf
- METHODOLOGY & CONTACT LIST: http://www.worldpublicopinion.org/pipa/pdf/mar07/CCGA _overview_final.pdf
The US is a "military based hegemony." For decades the mantra was: "Persuasive in Peace - Invincible in War."
The US military cannot support its political, economic, commercial, industrial, or military interests without a strong economy that is capable of supporting the effort; -- including a strong defense. As the movie (The Right Stuff) said: "No Bucks - No Buck Rogers." When the Chairman is concerned, and calls it a problem, then it is a problem.
Jan 5, 2012 – Adm. Mike Mullen, the nation's senior military official, recently described the national debt as America's “biggest national security threat. ...
Yes, we are damaged to a degree greater than most people think.
- Adm. Mike Mullen: 'National Debt Is Our Biggest Security Threat'
Jun 24, 2010 – America's highest-ranking military official thinks the U.S. has bigger security problems than al-Qaeda, suicide bombers and an increasingly ...- Mullen: Debt is top national security threat - CNN
Aug 27, 2010 – The national debt is bad for the military, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Adm. Michael Mullen is telling business men and women and others on ...- Lexington: Terrible swift sword | The Economist
Nov 26, 2011 – IN THE summer of 2010 Admiral Mike Mullen, then still chairman of ...that the biggest security threat facing the nation was the national debt. ...
There is no doubt the national debt is a defense issue. But think it is an issue mostly because of procurement. The more money we have to pay in interest will ultimately mean cuts -- which always typically target the Pentagon first.
That said -- I don't think we will have a financing issue should a real war erupt....I do think we will undergo a slow decline as we continue to borrow and don't pay down our debts -- but I think this can be managed. We need to be smarter at the Pentagon, there is waste in the defense department that can be cut -- we can restructure our forces to meet old and new challenges in new ways. However, we can of course go to far -- if we try to solve our deficit issues on the backs of the Pentagon -- we will indeed be in a lot of trouble.
If we are to be the leader, then we need to be benevolent in the eyes of the world. We don't have so many allies that we can afford to be arrogant and pushy - fostering greater ill-will against Americans or American Interests.
We cannot be benevolent and pursue our interests -- at some point, to pursue our goals it will come at the expense of someone else.