The Scotsman
Well-Known Member
Okay here's an interesting one - may not be everyones cup of tea but have a read anyway.....Oh yeah for those that thought this was another MOOOslim rant sorry to disappoint you......
By ALI AKBAR DAREINI, Associated Press Writer
Mon Apr 28, 4:09 PM ET
TEHRAN, Iran - A top Iranian judiciary official warned Monday against the "destructive" cultural and social consequences of importing Barbie dolls and other Western toys.
In the latest salvo in a more than decade-old government campaign against Barbie, Prosecutor General Ghorban Ali Dori Najafabadi said in an official letter to Vice President Parviz Davoudi that the doll and other Western toys are a "danger" that need to be stopped.
"The irregular importation of such toys, which unfortunately arrive through unofficial sources and smuggling, is destructive culturally and a social danger," said the letter, a copy of which was made available to The Associated Press.
Iranian markets have been inundated with smuggled Western toys in recent years partly due to a dramatic rise in purchasing power as a result of increased oil revenues.
While importing the toys is not necessarily illegal, it is discouraged by a government that seeks to protect Iranians from what it calls the negative effects of Western culture.
Najafabadi said the increasing visibility of Western dolls has alarmed authorities and they are considering intervening.
"The displays of personalities such as Barbie, Batman, Spiderman and Harry Potter ... as well as the irregular importation of unsanctioned computer games and movies are all warning bells to the officials in the cultural arena," his letter said.
Najafabadi said Iran is the world's third biggest importer of toys and warned that smuggled imports pose a threat to the "identity" of the new generation.
"Undoubtedly, the personality and identity of the new generation and our children, as a result of unrestricted importation of toys, has been put at risk and caused irreparable damages," he said.
Mattel Inc., the maker of Barbie, had no immediate comment on the Iranian letter.
Barbie is sold wearing swimsuits and miniskirts in a society where women must wear head scarves in public and men and women are not allowed to swim together.
In 1996, the head of a government-backed children's agency called Barbie a "Trojan horse" sneaking in Western influences such as makeup and revealing clothes.
Authorities launched a campaign of confiscating Barbies from toy shops in 2002, denouncing the un-Islamic sensibilities of the iconic American doll. But the campaign was eventually dropped.
Also in 2002, Iran introduced its own competing dolls — the twins Dara and Sara — who were designed to promote traditional values with their modest clothing and pro-family stories. But the dolls proved unable to stem the Barbie tide.
Linky thingy here
Just a thought - Barbi has morphed over her 50 odd years into a represenation of classic consumerism, you know the kindda thing all the clothes, the cars, accessories and all that malarchy; essentially the icon of fashion. I kindda feel sorry for the Iranians, okay times move on and all the jazz but what's wrong with trying to live a little bit in the past - at least for the youngsters anyway; age of innocence and all that!! I feel for them, kids don't just play anymore they are manipulated and targeted with plastic crap from merchandising and marketing companies employing the latest in profiling and psyco-whatever....I'm not preaching just a little sad really. Turn on the kids channels and they are bombarded with banal adverts trying to persuade parents that they must buy their kids this piece of worthless junk or that bit or garbage.....Jeeeeez my 7 year old daughter knows all the text to some of the adverts dealing debt consolidation!!?? oooops this is turning into a rant
Anyway I think the Iranians are perhaps on the right track with trying to maintain some kind of balance, essentially trying to juggle their values whilst attempting to accomodate other cultures consumerism - good luck to them!
Oh yeah...... and yesterday we have GTA-IV released a gentle little game for the sweet natured
By ALI AKBAR DAREINI, Associated Press Writer
Mon Apr 28, 4:09 PM ET
TEHRAN, Iran - A top Iranian judiciary official warned Monday against the "destructive" cultural and social consequences of importing Barbie dolls and other Western toys.
In the latest salvo in a more than decade-old government campaign against Barbie, Prosecutor General Ghorban Ali Dori Najafabadi said in an official letter to Vice President Parviz Davoudi that the doll and other Western toys are a "danger" that need to be stopped.
"The irregular importation of such toys, which unfortunately arrive through unofficial sources and smuggling, is destructive culturally and a social danger," said the letter, a copy of which was made available to The Associated Press.
Iranian markets have been inundated with smuggled Western toys in recent years partly due to a dramatic rise in purchasing power as a result of increased oil revenues.
While importing the toys is not necessarily illegal, it is discouraged by a government that seeks to protect Iranians from what it calls the negative effects of Western culture.
Najafabadi said the increasing visibility of Western dolls has alarmed authorities and they are considering intervening.
"The displays of personalities such as Barbie, Batman, Spiderman and Harry Potter ... as well as the irregular importation of unsanctioned computer games and movies are all warning bells to the officials in the cultural arena," his letter said.
Najafabadi said Iran is the world's third biggest importer of toys and warned that smuggled imports pose a threat to the "identity" of the new generation.
"Undoubtedly, the personality and identity of the new generation and our children, as a result of unrestricted importation of toys, has been put at risk and caused irreparable damages," he said.
Mattel Inc., the maker of Barbie, had no immediate comment on the Iranian letter.
Barbie is sold wearing swimsuits and miniskirts in a society where women must wear head scarves in public and men and women are not allowed to swim together.
In 1996, the head of a government-backed children's agency called Barbie a "Trojan horse" sneaking in Western influences such as makeup and revealing clothes.
Authorities launched a campaign of confiscating Barbies from toy shops in 2002, denouncing the un-Islamic sensibilities of the iconic American doll. But the campaign was eventually dropped.
Also in 2002, Iran introduced its own competing dolls — the twins Dara and Sara — who were designed to promote traditional values with their modest clothing and pro-family stories. But the dolls proved unable to stem the Barbie tide.
Linky thingy here
Just a thought - Barbi has morphed over her 50 odd years into a represenation of classic consumerism, you know the kindda thing all the clothes, the cars, accessories and all that malarchy; essentially the icon of fashion. I kindda feel sorry for the Iranians, okay times move on and all the jazz but what's wrong with trying to live a little bit in the past - at least for the youngsters anyway; age of innocence and all that!! I feel for them, kids don't just play anymore they are manipulated and targeted with plastic crap from merchandising and marketing companies employing the latest in profiling and psyco-whatever....I'm not preaching just a little sad really. Turn on the kids channels and they are bombarded with banal adverts trying to persuade parents that they must buy their kids this piece of worthless junk or that bit or garbage.....Jeeeeez my 7 year old daughter knows all the text to some of the adverts dealing debt consolidation!!?? oooops this is turning into a rant

Anyway I think the Iranians are perhaps on the right track with trying to maintain some kind of balance, essentially trying to juggle their values whilst attempting to accomodate other cultures consumerism - good luck to them!
Oh yeah...... and yesterday we have GTA-IV released a gentle little game for the sweet natured