Iran re elect a Moderate

Decidedly different.
Some of these countries are not good but Iran and Saudi Arabia are unstable and are at war
And the US supplying massive amounts of arms, training and weapons technology assists how? If the US is arming your enemies what is your reaction to this - stand by, watch and pray?
Rouhani added that Iran will carry on with its missile program, saying it’s only goal is to provide “peace” and “defense.”
“American officials should know that whenever we need to technically test a missile, we will do so and will not wait for their permission," Rouhani said in a news conference broadcast live on state TV, according to Reuters. He also criticized Saudi Arabia for a lack of democracy, urging Riyadh to allow people to participate in free elections.
Consider the fact that with all the military might at its disposal ISAF couldn't beat a ragtag bunch of farmers - imagine how Israel / KSA would fair against Iran in a fight - they would be buttfucked and buttfucked large!! Their forces would be hammered and the only alternative would be to resort to tactical nukes to stem the tide - now I wonder which nation in that theatre has tactical nukes and I wonder how they got them...hmmmm...I wonder.
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Scotsman I agree this is the danger of nuclear weapons in an unstable region. If Israel or any one else was forced to use nuclear weapons to defend themselves it would be a disaster.
The term Moderate is a comparative term. Rouhani is more moderate than his opponent.

He wants nukes for what ?

Same reason Israel and Pakistan and India and China has them I guess! Are you proposing that we ask them to get genie to put them all back in the bottle because Israel is pissed off?

See: UKRAINE!!!!
"In 1994, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States signed the Budapest Memorandum, recommitting to obligations under the UN Charter to respect Ukraine’s sovereignty and to not use force against its territorial integrity or independence and re-stating their policy of not using nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-armed states, unless that state attacked them in partnership with a nuclear-armed state. The use of force or invasion of Ukraine would be in violation of this Memorandum, but first and foremost, of the UN Charter, on which the Memorandum is based."
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I agree. By re-electing a moderate, Iran has shown that it refuses to go backwards and wants to move forward to a more open society. Although it is still a Muslim society, it is looking toward a more progressive rather than repressive future.

Another victory for reason versus bigotry and backwards thinking.
The Taliban just banned women from education. They still stone women to death and mutilate women's genitals yet your giving them some credit something. They should be condemned as a barbaric religion.