Interdimensional warfare, how close are we at this point?

Your own story says you unvaccinated morons are six times more likely to die
You are so stupid
If more from a group of 200 million unvaccinated people die from covid than do from among the group of 10 million vaccinated people that does not prove vaccinated individuals are less susceptible to covid infections than are non-vaccinated individuals.
yes, herd immunity to a mutating disease doesn't work. i never said it did. duh.
you post the dumbest things. lol

has the government ever lied? sure.

that doesn't mean this is a lie. if it is, then every state government including red states and the entire medical system is lying, and you morons have had years to prove it was a lie and failed. lol.

you keep obsessing about "the government" lying (as if there is only one government in this country..duh..god you're so stupid) and you don't mention the medical system. why is that, *****? you think the entire medical system is part of the big lie? lol

even your own story you posted says the vaccine is effective.

my god you are an arrogant ***** who thinks he is smarter than the entire medical system. lol
Fauci and government propagandists made good money for pharmaceutical companies but proved themselves wrong on masks, shutdowns, and vaccines.