Innocent President Trump found guilty in New York version of Stalinist show trial

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
There has never been clearer evidence of a leftist communist perversion of justice by election interfering crooks than has revealed itself in this unconstitutional trial of President Trump on twisted false charges. This is how wicked communist savages destroy their political enemies. Note the similarities between the socialist democrat mob trial and Stalin's unjust trial of his enemies in the 1930s:,Party%20of%20the%20Soviet%20Union.

Moscow trials

The Moscow trials were a series of show trials held by the Soviet Union between 1936 and 1938 at the instigation of Joseph Stalin. They were nominally directed against "Trotskyists" and members of the "Right Opposition" of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

The "Case of the Trotskyite–Zinovievite Terrorist Center" (or ZinovievKamenev Trial, also known as the 'Trial of the Sixteen', August 1936);

The "Case of the Anti-Soviet Trotskyist Center" (or PyatakovRadek Trial, also known as the 'Trial of the Seventeen', January 1937); and

The "Case of the Anti-Soviet 'Bloc of Rightists and Trotskyites'" (or the BukharinRykov Trial, also known as the 'Trial of the Twenty-One', March 1938).

The defendants were Old Bolshevik Party leaders and top officials of the Soviet secret police. Most were charged under Article 58 of the RSFSR Penal Code with conspiring with imperialist powers to assassinate Stalin and other Soviet leaders, dismember the Soviet Union, and restore capitalism. Several prominent figures (such as Andrei Bubnov, Alexander Beloborodov, Nikolai Yezhov) were sentenced to death during the Stalin era outside these trials.

The Moscow trials led to the execution of many of the defendants. The trials are generally seen as part of Stalin's Great Purge, a campaign to rid the party of current or prior opposition, including Trotskyists and leading Bolshevik cadre members from the time of the Russian Revolution or earlier, who might even potentially become a figurehead for the growing discontent in the Soviet populace resulting from Stalin's mismanagement of the economy.[1]: xvii  Stalin's rapid industrialization during the period of the First five-year plan and the brutality of the forced agricultural collectivization had led to an acute economic and political crisis in 1928–1933, which led to the worsened conditions of Soviet workers and peasants. Stalin was acutely conscious of this fact and took steps to prevent it taking the form of an opposition inside the Communist Party of the Soviet Union to his increasingly totalitarian rule.[1]: xvii 
There has never been clearer evidence of a leftist communist perversion of justice by election interfering crooks than has revealed itself in this unconstitutional trial of President Trump on twisted false charges. This is how wicked communist savages destroy their political enemies. Note the similarities between the socialist democrat mob trial and Stalin's unjust trial of his enemies in the 1930s:,Party%20of%20the%20Soviet%20Union.
Moscow trials


... [7] Both Kamenev and Zinoviev had been secretly tried in 1935 but it appears that Stalin decided that, with suitable confessions, their fate could be used for propaganda purposes. Genrikh Yagoda oversaw the interrogation proceedings. ...

The basis of the scenario was laid in confessions, extracted under torture, from three of the arrested. ...

[8] Firmly believing in the mythical conspiracy, Rejngold executed the Party task with which he thought himself to be entrusted.[8] The confessions present the standard items of supposed conspiratorial activities: the murder of Kirov; preparations to assassinate the leaders of the Soviet Communist Party; and the readiness to seize power in the USSR in order to "restore capitalism". ...

According to one witness, at the beginning of the summer the central heating was turned on in Zinoviev's and Kamenev's cells. ...

Finally the exhausted prisoners agreed to a deal with Stalin who promised them, on behalf of the Politburo, their lives in exchange for participation in the anti-Trotskyist spectacle. ...

The main charge was forming a terror organization with the purpose of killing Stalin and other members of the Soviet government. ...

Defendant Ivan Nikitich Smirnov was blamed by his co-defendants for being the leader of the Center which planned Kirov's assassination.[1]: 23  He, however, had been in prison since January 1933 and refused to confess.[1]: 23  Another defendant, the Old Bolshevik Eduard Holtzman, was accused of conspiring with Trotsky in Copenhagen at the Hotel Bristol in 1932, where Trotsky was giving a public lecture. A week after the trial it was revealed by a Danish Social Democratic newspaper that the hotel had been demolished in 1917.[1]:  ...
someone is butt hurt. lol.
jury of his peers. guilty on all charges.
no matter how much you whine.
There has never been clearer evidence of a leftist communist perversion of justice by election interfering crooks than has revealed itself in this unconstitutional trial of President Trump on twisted false charges. This is how wicked communist savages destroy their political enemies. Note the similarities between the socialist democrat mob trial and Stalin's unjust trial of his enemies in the 1930s:,Party%20of%20the%20Soviet%20Union.

Moscow trials

Vyshinsky achieved international infamy as the prosecutor at the Zinoviev–Kamenev trial, lashing its defenseless victims with vituperative rhetoric. He often punctuated speeches with phrases like "Dogs of the Fascist bourgeoisie", "mad dogs of Trotskyism", "dregs of society", "decayed people", "terrorist thugs and degenerates", and "accursed vermin".[15] This dehumanization aided in what historian Arkady Vaksberg calls "a hitherto unknown type of trial where there was not the slightest need for evidence: what evidence did you need when you were dealing with 'stinking carrion' and 'mad dogs'?"[16] Vyshinsky would later be responsible for the Soviet preparations for the trial of the major German war criminals by the International Military Tribunal.

All of the defendants were sentenced to death and were subsequently shot in the cellars of Lubyanka Prison in Moscow by NKVD chief executioner Vasily Blokhin.
someone is butt hurt. lol.
jury of his peers. guilty on all charges.
no matter how much you whine.
The infamous Socialist/Communist USA Democrat show trial has resulted in guilty verdicts reminiscent of the Soviet show trials of the 1930s.

At the time, many Western observers who attended the trials said that they were fair and that the guilt of the accused had been established. They based this assessment on the confessions of the accused, which were freely given in open court, without any apparent evidence that they had been extracted by torture or drugging. U.S. ambassador Joseph E. Davies wrote in Mission to Moscow:

In view of the character of the accused, their long terms of service, their recognized distinction in their profession, their long-continued loyalty to the Communist cause, it is scarcely credible that their brother officers ... should have acquiesced in their execution, unless they were convinced that these men had been guilty of some offense.[*] It is generally accepted by members of the Diplomatic Corps that the accused must have been guilty of an offense which in the Soviet Union would merit the death penalty.

All "confessions" were extracted under the most severe torture. Images of the accused were not shown.[22]
The infamous Socialist/Communist USA Democrat show trial has resulted in guilty verdicts reminiscent of the Soviet show trials of the 1930s.

At the time, many Western observers who attended the trials said that they were fair and that the guilt of the accused had been established. They based this assessment on the confessions of the accused, which were freely given in open court, without any apparent evidence that they had been extracted by torture or drugging. U.S. ambassador Joseph E. Davies wrote in Mission to Moscow:

In view of the character of the accused, their long terms of service, their recognized distinction in their profession, their long-continued loyalty to the Communist cause, it is scarcely credible that their brother officers ... should have acquiesced in their execution, unless they were convinced that these men had been guilty of some offense.[*] It is generally accepted by members of the Diplomatic Corps that the accused must have been guilty of an offense which in the Soviet Union would merit the death penalty.

All "confessions" were extracted under the most severe torture. Images of the accused were not shown.[22]
You can research old trials back to the time of Pontius Pilate but it doesn't change a thing.
I said he would be found guilty and he was.

Would you like some more predictions.
Perhaps this will cause him to have a terminal infarction. Or he will recognize what a vile piece of crap he is and will Second Amendment himself.
There has never been clearer evidence of a leftist communist perversion of justice by election interfering crooks than has revealed itself in this unconstitutional trial of President Trump on twisted false charges. This is how wicked communist savages destroy their political enemies. Note the similarities between the socialist democrat mob trial and Stalin's unjust trial of his enemies in the 1930s:,Party%20of%20the%20Soviet%20Union.

Moscow trials

The Moscow trials were a series of show trials held by the Soviet Union between 1936 and 1938 at the instigation of Joseph Stalin. They were nominally directed against "Trotskyists" and members of the "Right Opposition" of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

The "Case of the Trotskyite–Zinovievite Terrorist Center" (or ZinovievKamenev Trial, also known as the 'Trial of the Sixteen', August 1936);

The "Case of the Anti-Soviet Trotskyist Center" (or PyatakovRadek Trial, also known as the 'Trial of the Seventeen', January 1937); and

The "Case of the Anti-Soviet 'Bloc of Rightists and Trotskyites'" (or the BukharinRykov Trial, also known as the 'Trial of the Twenty-One', March 1938).

The defendants were Old Bolshevik Party leaders and top officials of the Soviet secret police. Most were charged under Article 58 of the RSFSR Penal Code with conspiring with imperialist powers to assassinate Stalin and other Soviet leaders, dismember the Soviet Union, and restore capitalism. Several prominent figures (such as Andrei Bubnov, Alexander Beloborodov, Nikolai Yezhov) were sentenced to death during the Stalin era outside these trials.

The Moscow trials led to the execution of many of the defendants. The trials are generally seen as part of Stalin's Great Purge, a campaign to rid the party of current or prior opposition, including Trotskyists and leading Bolshevik cadre members from the time of the Russian Revolution or earlier, who might even potentially become a figurehead for the growing discontent in the Soviet populace resulting from Stalin's mismanagement of the economy.[1]: xvii  Stalin's rapid industrialization during the period of the First five-year plan and the brutality of the forced agricultural collectivization had led to an acute economic and political crisis in 1928–1933, which led to the worsened conditions of Soviet workers and peasants. Stalin was acutely conscious of this fact and took steps to prevent it taking the form of an opposition inside the Communist Party of the Soviet Union to his increasingly totalitarian rule.[1]: xvii 
Your wife should hide all the knives and guns. We don't want any nasty events to prevent us from niggling at you forever.
The infamous Socialist/Communist USA Democrat show trial has resulted in guilty verdicts reminiscent of the Soviet show trials of the 1930s.

At the time, many Western observers who attended the trials said that they were fair and that the guilt of the accused had been established. They based this assessment on the confessions of the accused, which were freely given in open court, without any apparent evidence that they had been extracted by torture or drugging. U.S. ambassador Joseph E. Davies wrote in Mission to Moscow:

In view of the character of the accused, their long terms of service, their recognized distinction in their profession, their long-continued loyalty to the Communist cause, it is scarcely credible that their brother officers ... should have acquiesced in their execution, unless they were convinced that these men had been guilty of some offense.[*] It is generally accepted by members of the Diplomatic Corps that the accused must have been guilty of an offense which in the Soviet Union would merit the death penalty.

All "confessions" were extracted under the most severe torture. Images of the accused were not shown.[22]
You have never sounded more like a right wing ***** lol
You have never sounded more like a right wing ***** lol
He's under heavy sedation now. All the blinds are drawn and keys taken from the car. Neighbours are warned of possible ambulance attendances and homicide detectives.
It's gonna be tough on the old warrior. I don't know if he will pull through. ,,,😂😂😂😂😂
Trump deserved what he got. He has no respect for the legal system, this country or its people.
Commies hate Trump like Stalin hated right wing anti-communist Russians, and modern leftist commies in the US seek to destroy their enemies by wicked means like unjust criminal violations of human rights show trials. The lying leftist show trials were conducted by the communist tyrants against their political by falsely accusing their anti-communist enemies of attempting to overthrow the corrupt government and to restore free market capitalism, just as modern democrat tyrants are doing to President Trump.,Party%20of%20the%20Soviet%20Union.

Moscow trials

The defendants were Old Bolshevik Party leaders and top officials of the Soviet secret police. Most were charged under Article 58 of the RSFSR Penal Code with conspiring with imperialist powers to assassinate Stalin and other Soviet leaders, dismember the Soviet Union, and restore capitalism. Several prominent figures (such as Andrei Bubnov, Alexander Beloborodov, Nikolai Yezhov) were sentenced to death during the Stalin era outside these trials.
Commies hate Trump like Stalin hated right wing anti-communist Russians, and commies seek to destroy their enemies by wicked means like unjust riminal violations of human rights show trials. The lying leftist show trials were conducted by the communist tyrants against their political enemies the communist tyrants falsely accused of attempteing to overthrow the corrupt government and to restore free market capitalism, just as modern democrat tyrants are doing to President Trump.,Party%20of%20the%20Soviet%20Union.

Moscow trials

The defendants were Old Bolshevik Party leaders and top officials of the Soviet secret police. Most were charged under Article 58 of the RSFSR Penal Code with conspiring with imperialist powers to assassinate Stalin and other Soviet leaders, dismember the Soviet Union, and restore capitalism. Several prominent figures (such as Andrei Bubnov, Alexander Beloborodov, Nikolai Yezhov) were sentenced to death during the Stalin era outside these trials.
So he wasn't guilty after all? Those two lawyers in the jury thought he was.
Have you advised the courts about all the information you have that was not presented?
You can research old trials back to the time of Pontius Pilate but it doesn't change a thing.
I said he would be found guilty and he was.

Would you like some more predictions.
Only the slowest of Russians in Stalin's day would have thought the trial of Stalin's enemies by the tyrannical members of the leftist communist party would have resulted in the acquittal of those Stalin falsely accused of treason and insurrection. Leftists in the NY communist/socialist/leftist/democrat show trial included the devout leftist, Biden-supporting, Trump-hating prosecutor and judge, and the leftist had enough persuasive threatening control over the 85% democrat jury to guarantee a guilty verdict of an innocent President Trump.

Stalin's very life and the lives of the communist insurrections who overthrew capitalism in Russia depended on them stamping out opposition to communism in the Soviet Union.


Grigory Zinoviev, Lev Kamenev, and Joseph Stalin formed a ruling triumvirate in early 1923[2] after Vladimir Lenin had become incapacitated from a stroke. In the context of the series of defeats of communist revolutions abroad (crucially the German revolutions of 1919, but also later the Chinese Revolution of 1927), which left the Russian Revolution increasingly isolated in a backward country, the triumvirate was able to effect the marginalization of Leon Trotsky in an internal party political conflict over the issue of Stalin's theory of Socialism in One Country. It was Trotsky who most clearly represented the wing of the CPSU leadership which claimed that the survival of the revolution depended on the spread of communism to the advanced European economies, especially Germany.