It's true that Florida was mostly done by the Repubs but again either way. Every state has the right to have their primary's when they want to. As Americans we did a really stupid thing by GIVING our rights over to these parties to say when and where we can do what ever.
Its our own fault, WE let it happen but WE should wake up and say enough is enough. no party is going to tell us when we can vote or if our votes can be counted.
There is a totally rational reason why both Parties schedule their primaries. If they didn't everyone would want to be on the first day and the candidates couldn't possibly be everywhere to campaign that way. It's to give every state or sometimes a few states together as in a Super Tuesday some time with the candidates courting them specifically.
It all makes perfect sense although I'd see no problem with a lottery every year so the states could come up in various and different orders. But they still have to be separated for obvious logistics reasons.
Bottom line: The agreements not to count Florida & Michigan if they moved up jumping their place in line was agreed to 100% by both campaigns in advance. I'm sure they will still get seated in some manor by convention time but that is rightly a DNC decision unless the two campaigns both agree to something together themselves.
BARACK OBAMA had a GRRRRRRRREAT NIGHT!!! He'll be a amazing President! The stupidity of the last 7 years is just about over thank God!