IN Mexico, our Monuments shows government' corruption




For what’s worth PEMEX, the state owned petroleum company, almost in bankruptcy, without any new source of petroleum fields; but with leaks generated by product’ robbery, provoked a burning death for more than fifty people yesterday, in Puebla State.


A new fairy tale made by Mexican government.
A famous lawyer, former presidential candidate, former Senator, who worked in his private law firm at the same time he had a seat in the Mexican Senate, with an obvious conflict of interest, has at least appeared afterwards more than seven month of being kidnapped.

Could this fable be truth?

No one knows


Santa’s coming to town with a diet coke
Life spent ( and spoiled) in a traffic jam

There are little animals, like dogs, cats or mouses, that are kept
"inside a cage,”
but here in Mexico City, “the city in movement” ( but of resources to City Mayor's pockets, or other minor bureaucrats), it does not matter to which political party they come from,
our heroes so willing to enrich those who are so wealthy right now, as Mr. Carlo$ $lim, or others real state developers.

They just do not understand ( or they don't care) that streets and roads aren`t made of rubber


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While PEMEX imports gasoline, the Zetas are exporting it

The gang take 280 trucks of gasoline per month

December 27th., 2010 Reforma/Staff
While PEMEX has to import each day more gasoline to satisfy national demand, the Zeta’s Gang takes it out of the country to resale it

The fuel smuggling in the south border with Guatemala, reaches a mean quantity of 5,6 millions of gasoline /diesel ‘s, according to authorities and businessmen on both countries.
Their volume equals the amount of 290 trucks, carrying each one 20,000 liters

Monthly is more than 1.5 million gallons, Mr. Marcos González, said in an interview. From the association of gasoline distributors in Guatemala.

According to PEMEX, during the first eleven months of 2010, imported 36,000 barrels of gasoline in a daily basis, that amounts 46% of the total national sales

Fuel smmugling from Mexico to Central America is controlled by the Zetas gang, that work in the border cities with Guatemala

"it’s confirmed that such criminal groups control, that illicit business, with huge profits, as in Mexico one gasoline liter cost about 9 Mexican pesos, in Guatemala sells for almost 12 Mexican pesos, “ said a businessman from Guatemala.

A high police officer from Guatemala acknowledge the case.
"In last 18 month we have detained approximately 50 persons for smuggling gasoline , including six Mexicans that were hired assassins from the Zetas gang, he explained.

From the mexican border, the detentions and seizures are minimum , as only seven persons have been processed for such crime in two years
Washington preservó su visión de AL.- Lula

Por Alberto Armendáriz

Pese a la llegada de Obama la relación es la misma, afirma el brasileño. Afirma que apoyará a su sucesora si decide buscar la reelección del país en 2014

(28 diciembre 2010).- Corresponsal

En sus ocho años de Gobierno, el Presidente de Brasil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, siempre se ha caracterizado por decir lo que piensa. Y ahora, en su última semana en el poder, respaldado por altísimos niveles de popularidad, no se privó de lanzar una fuerte crítica a su par estadounidense, Barack Obama, por menospreciar a América Latina.

"Cambió poco o nada la visión de Estados Unidos sobre América Latina y eso me entristece mucho, porque estamos viviendo el proceso de democratización más importante del mundo", afirmó el Mandatario saliente antes de que el próximo sábado entregue el mando a Dilma Rousseff, su ex jefa de Gabinete.

Lula recordó que en abril de 2009, cuando Obama participó en la Cumbre de las Américas, en Trinidad y Tobago, le prometió que prestaría más importancia que sus predecesores a la región.

"Me gustaría que la relación de Estados Unidos con América Latina fuera diferente de lo que es hoy, pero la verdad es que no cambió nada la visión de ellos hacia América Latina. No tienen una visión más optimista hacia América Latina, porque siempre prevaleció una visión de imperio con los países pobres", afirmó.

Para Lula, Washington debe tomar conciencia de la importancia que la región tiene, no sólo por su proximidad geográfica, sino también por la gran cantidad de latinos que viven en Estados Unidos.

Aún con ello, manifestó su esperanza de que el próximo año el Presidente estadounidense se lance a conocer mejor el subcontinente.

"Espero que
Obama visite Brasil en 2011, pero lo importante es que visite no sólo este país, sino todos nuestros países, para que vea lo que está ocurriendo aquí. Nuestros críticos son aquellos que creen que al levantarnos por la mañana tenemos que pedir permiso a Estados Unidos para estornudar, tenemos que pedir permiso a la Unión Europea para toser", afirmó.

De acuerdo con los documentos diplomáticos recientemente revelados por el portal WikiLeaks, la Administración de Obama considera antiestadounidense la retórica del Gobierno de Lula, lo cual podría cambiar con la llegada al poder de Rousseff, quien ha dejado entrever que no piensa continuar con algunas actitudes que resintieron la relación con Washington, como el acercamiento de Lula al Presidente de Irán, Mahmoud Ahmadineyad.

Lula aseguró que Estados Unidos se opuso al acuerdo que negoció con Ahmadineyad por celos de que un país como Brasil, hubiese tenido éxito.

"Ese tema del acuerdo de Irán me dejó personalmente decepcionado", comentó. "Obama estaba nervioso, muy irritado. Cuando llegué a Qatar, Hillary Clinton había llamado al Emir para quejarse por mi viaje. Hillary trabajó en contra todo el tiempo".

Al ser cuestionado sobre los acuerdos de paz en Medio Oriente, pronosticó que "no habrá acuerdo mientras los Estados Unidos crean que pueden construir la paz solos, porque ellos son parte del conflicto".

Por otro lado, el Mandatario brasileño aclaró que no considera candidatearse para la Secretaría General de Naciones Unidas, como le han sugerido.

"Si un ex Presidente de Brasil va a la secretaría general de la ONU, después podría ir un ex presidente de Estados Unidos y ahí las cosas serían más difíciles", dijo.

También declaró que no está pensando en volver a lanzarse a la presidencia de su país en 2014, como se ha especulado.

"Trabajo con la idea de que Dilma será la candidata a la reelección",

Pese a la popularidad que goza, nunca pensó en proponer una reforma constitucional para mantenerse en el poder.

"Ahí uno pide un mandato más y después quiere cuatro, quiere cinco y el país se va convirtiendo en una dictadurita sin que nadie lo note",

Así lo dijo

"(Estados Unidos) no tiene una visión más optimista hacia América latina, porque siempre prevaleció una visión de imperio con los países pobres".

"Espero que Obama visite Brasil en 2011, pero lo importante es que visite no sólo este país, sino todos nuestros países, para que vea lo que está ocurriendo aquí".

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
Presidente de Brasil
The "our lady of Jodelupe" and Car$o Square, Built by Carlo$ $lim, the wealthiest mexican, are praised by the corrupt pre$$


It doesn¡t matter that it wuill be the doom and the end for three borroughs, IRRIGACIÓN, LOMAS DE CHAPULTEPEC Y POLANCO

It's better to always anull your vote
Our Mayor in Mexico City, Marcelo Ebrard Casaubon applies a stick policy to those who do not approve urban sprawling of their communities and the destruction of all green areas

IN Mexico City narco dealers are growing, the violence is worsening, the amount of street vendors are increasing, and the corruption is overwhelming.
ByRené Avilés Fabila

French socialism
has as symbol a fist with a rose; Some time took me to hear the explanation given by the same Francois Mitterrand, when he was running for the third time as French President: The rose is for friends, the fist for enemies”.

Maybe this can explain the violent reaction that our city mayor, Marcelo Ebrard Casaubón the best mayor in the whole World” has against the inhabitants that live on Narvarte borough, that are against the construction of a station of buses, because destroys the green palm threes. As citizens they are fighting to preserve their borough. But Mexico City government had chosen to throw them 600 “police officers, called “granaderos” to 60 defenseless "enemies,” showing obviously the fist.


Long is the list of outrages done by the supposedly “leftist “ PRD party in Mexico City, but what is surprising is the complicity with administrator for that borough, where the people affected are living, in Benito Juarez Jurisdiction, that is a land politically owned by now by the right wing party, PAN. Is there a new Alliance between PRD and PAN? Or as another newspaper said, the authorities were in holidays, meanwhile the public force pushed with police brutality, the citizens that were Only trying to defend their properties. The photos speaks for themselves.


In Mexico City, the drug dealers growing , the violence increases, street vendors are all over, the corruption is unbearable, and the unfittnes and authoritarism from the politician is obvious.. Bu for the best city mayor in the whole World, nothing happens,

At least Only few protesters that are opposed to “progress” In Lomas de Chapultepec there are affected familias, as in Tlaplan or Coyoacán, and everyone fight as they can, and with the means they have.

There is not a neighborg organization, because absense of solidarity The PRD has penetrated citizen organization to handle thenm as at pleasure. As Ebrard has to supersede López Obrador, (another demagogue) now he has launched a maremagnun of public works without any order. he will try to brag with a lot o f inaugurations, to warranty his presidencial nomination. If it worked to López Obrador, why won’t work for him? , [/I] we will have to add that the public works are a perfect business gor politician no matter which political party they represent, anda los they make their civil engineering without any previous studies about the ecological impact.

It is funny that a public servant and demagogue as Ebrard, who travels to his office one a month a bicycle , brags about his concern about ecology and can not find other solution but to kill threes, palm threes and affect a lot pacific citizens’ modest properties. The savagery in this zone isn’t new. When the politician Carlos Hank González form the PRI party decided to make new streets, he throw a lot of threes and the appearance of the borough change d forever It is clear the destruction of green zones and the pedestrian affectation.

It was a luxury when Narvate Borough was born The middle class was tryng to live there. To walk on it it was a pleasure with colonial Californian houses and with threes.

Now we know who is the fist of the “Leftist city mayor The rose is in the ridicule artificial beaches and ice skating facilities, in street disguised as Switzerland towns, and in cheap parties for the XV birth anniversaries for girls

In other words, , pure demagogue.
I would like to know why we are voting for people, like Marcelo or why we have to bear such scoundrels in each borough.
There are solutions to the intense traffic, EbrardHAS chosen the fist. It`s seen that his enemies are we Mexico City`s inhabitants.

*Escritor y periodista[/size]

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Mexico City’s government, taking advantage from the end of the year Christmas holidays, had given” a little surprise” against the life quality and patrimony for all citizens that are living in Las Cien Casitas and Lomas de Chapultepec boroughs’, because they have decided to grant a construction permit for a tower 30 stores high to some real state developers, making a mockery and a really bad joke to the NATIONAL FINE ARTS INSTITUTE, (INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE BELLAS ARTES) as they are demolishing a classified building.

The supposed building that they were going to preserve, built in the ’50, was a new concept for it developed a gas station, a GM automobile dealer & shop

Demolishing derby:


Of course that the real trouble is that in the zone chaotic in traffic jams, in street vendors’ invasions, and for that reason Mr. Marcelo Ebrard Casaubón and Demetrio Sodi De La Tijera should be held responsible for the damage against the patrimony and life quality for all the people that live here.
I have to be grateful to American Cartoonists

Today i saw this great cartoon that explains exactly what happens in Mexico City




Marcel@ y su patineta….


Mejor anula siempre tu voto
The never ending Mexican image …


….it doesn’t matter if a police officer takes a bribe for unfulfilling his job, also it doesn’t matter being Mexico City’s mayor, ( whom has been appointed as the best city mayor of the whole world, by someone that of course, doesn’t live in Mexico City) (they also have forgotten than when he was Chief of Mexico City’s police, he allowed a mob to burn alive two (2) [II] federal police officers, and we all Mexicans watched the horrible fact by TV) ) looking to protect a small Group investors’ interest; the private interest of a small group of real state investors;

It couldn’t care less that a corrupt judge, gave permission to such investors, breaking the development regulations for the zone. ( that will serve for the mayor of the borough, Demetrio Sodi de La Tijera, to wash his hands, pointing the fault to the judiciary system as the responsible for such law violations that will lower the inhabitants life quality in what was Mexico City’s greenest west side

For all written before and taking the Christmas Holiday seasons from December 12th. to January 6th., the investor Group didn’t respect the demolitions’ restraining order issued by the National Institute of Fine Arts, to preserve the old building, so they demolished without any permit..

In the early days of December, our corrupt authorities had informed to us, likewise His French Majesty Louis XIV ( yes that one that had said He was The State) that the building will be constructed, without taking into account any neighbor public opinion, and (SIC) “as to alleviate the impact and harm to the enviroment, we will count with bicycles, so we wouldn’t harm the green enviroment,”

Of course that the borough mayor, Demetrio Sodi De La Tijera didn’t show his face to the meetings:

He only sent his employees, like Mr. Ricardo Pascoe Pierce, whose task was to make a mockery of the meeting.

It also doesn’t matter what Denise Dresser writes today in Reforma newspaper

Public evil

By Denise Dresser

On what side does stands mayor Marcelo Ebrard? from the law side or its selective application? From the greedy developers or common citizens? From the multimillion profit side for a few, or from the side of urban improvements with benefits for many? From the side of right planning or the harming improvisation? Form the side of a city that provides public welfare to their inhabitants, or the side of a city that allows its privatization? Main and critical questions. Questions that go to heart of how the power is exercised, an behalf of whom relevant questions to Marcelo Ebrard, since he is standing in the wrong side.

Here in a City nodal point near the crossroad between Paseo de La Reforma avenue, and Periferico there is a microcosm of opacity and highhandedness, collusion and corruption, flexed authorities, accomplice authorities. Here in a 25 store tower , that will bring 7,000 people with all their cars to a zone already overflowed, - is the best example of the worst practices. Real state developers that already got a constitutional guarantee for protection of their rights to infringe the law, even the area residents have to being compelled to respect it. Authorities that state themselves powerless before the construction of a building that breaks a lot of regulations over the environment and traffic impact. A business Group, -Danhos- that gets privileges and permits, that aren’t granted to a common citizenship, but those with buddies in Mexico City’s government. fait accomplif – like the demolition Vladimir Kaspé building demolished, taking advantage of the Christmas Holidays, that are a mockery to the neighbors. An affront to citizens, a violation to the general rules for urban development..

Before that what surprise more is Marcelo Ebrard willingness His silence. The schizophrenia shown by the Mayor of the year”` when he promotes the bicycle and metrobus use, but on the other hand he allows a project that encourage vehicle use, and the private appropiation of public spaces. The contradiction in which someone falls that for good reasons , was opposed to the Bicentennial Tower and now allows an equal structure to be built in the same place.

And what to s ay about the borough mayor Demetrio Sodi,[7b] that states that he isn’t going to be a neighbor’s .martyr, when his duty is to represent them. Or the City environment responsible, Martha Delgado, that as it seems, she agrees with the arrival of more than two thousand daily car, - that will form a line of more than seven miles to enter the building- to blocks from Chapultepec Forest. Teodoro González de León, one of the most respected architects in Mexico, involved in a Project that implies traffic chaos and environment destruction, the worst urban bullying caused by Dahnos Group and the obvious collusion from the authorities that allow it

And in a failed attempt to defend the unjustifiable , both Dahnos Group and government argue thay the Project has a constitutional guarantee for the protection of their own private rights to build a 25 store tower. A guarantee granted over a questionable conditions, whose honesty is not shown. A guarantee that shouldn’t be a permission to break other regulation in the zone. A guarantee that it is Only for the number of stores, but that shouldn’t provide coverage to ignore the development planning for Chapultepec Forest. A guarantee that has become a way to show something as a fait accompli , if the best city mayor would really apply the law with equity ( By the way this was the motto of his campaign)
To them as is shown, he allow to break the law to permit the same traffic jam over Paseo de la Reforma for any event in the Auditory , two times per day and 5 days of the week,. To them ensures all benefits even will generate public costs.

This is whar happens when a government isn’t capable to value general regulations for all. When the business is form a multimillion contractor is over the right of the neighborghood when there aren´t any crystal clear rules neither sanctions to those who ignore them. When the authority yields and allows, negociating the law and lets that everyone a street vendor, a street car washer or a powerful group like Dahnos interprets the law to their own will, a scenery iis created where everyone does what they please. They take possession of one street, or construct a building that goes against the prevailing regulation or they take gun handed whatever they wish. The city and the nations becomes a Hobbes environment where the willingness of the strongest, the more corrupt the one with more contacts under government , the one who can furnish the largest briefcase full of money wins,

From all this is the inerative to summon Marcelo Ebrard to be responsible for all that he`s allowing. To require an explanation of all the action that resemble a corrupt or a colluded government. To insist where he is standing and behalf of whom he is governing. To stop a construction to benefirt a few private intere$t$ , while he produce great public evil

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