Implementation of Obamacare

California has had one million cancelled.

Nice... people getting laid off, people losing full time hours, people getting divorced and people looking to reduce their income so they can get lower premiums or subsidies.

Obamacare is going to kill an already sluggish economy.
Well .... that was the plan .... right?
‘Overblown Controversy’: NY Times Editorial Board Says Obama Only ‘Misspoke’ About Keeping Health Plans

The New York Times published an editorial Sunday dismissing President Barack Obama’s broken promise of allowing all Americans to keep their current health plans as an “overblown controversy” and said he simply “misspoke.”

There a literally dozens of speeches from all over the Country of Obama stating if you like your plan you can keep it. How many times must one "misspeak" before it is considered a straight out and intentional LIE?

Apparently if you are the the Messiah ...... 7 x 70 ......

White House website at odds with latest Obama statement

Millions of health insurance plans have been cancelled after ObamaCare went into effect, and President Obama backed away Monday from his previous oft-repeated statement that “if you like your plan, you can keep your plan.”

But he may want to glance at his own website,, which still states: "For Americans with insurance coverage who like what they have, they can keep it. Nothing in this act or anywhere in the bill forces anyone to change the insurance they have, period."

That appears in a section of the website labeled "health reform details." The exact same language also appears in the Department of Health and Human Services' online description of the law.

Poll: 78% of Uninsured Not Interested in ObamaCare

A new Gallup poll brings more terrible news for President Obama and his signature health plan, showing that only 22% of uninsured Americans intend to buy insurance through the ObamaCare exchanges.

One of the major selling points for using ObamaCare to disrupt our health care system (that polls showed up to 80% of Americans were satisfied with) was to insure the uninsured. But according to this poll, only a very small minority of that small minority is even interested in obtaining insurance.
Obamacare Restrictions Lead Brooklyn Couple To Consider Divorce
'We Would Save Thousands Of Dollars If We Got Divorced,' Woman Says

The issue for Aronowitz and Cassara is that together as family of only two, they make more than the $62,000 level to qualify for subsidies under the Affordable Care Act. But if they lived together unmarried, they would qualify for the subsidies and could literally save hundreds of dollars a month on their health care.
This type of marriage penalty has been a part of the tax code for years. Up till now it did not effect your insurance premium to the tune of thousands of dollars. I think we should name the top 12 designers of obamacare and continually let people know what kind of travesty of governance they believe in. While we are at it lets look at some other travesties among our leaders.
This type of marriage penalty has been a part of the tax code for years. Up till now it did not effect your insurance premium to the tune of thousands of dollars. I think we should name the top 12 designers of obamacare and continually let people know what kind of travesty of governance they believe in. While we are at it lets look at some other travesties among our leaders.
Good luck getting that truth past the Main Stream propagandist Media!!
The large scale refusal to invilve theirselves in ocare should be pretty interesting. You cant arrest millions of people. The paperwork alone would take decades.
The large scale refusal to invilve theirselves in ocare should be pretty interesting. You cant arrest millions of people. The paperwork alone would take decades.
Who said anything about arresting ....

The fine comes out of your income tax, tax return or any other government monies one may collect. That narrows it down considerably. As far as the rest goes, the government can deny care at the hospitals, Dr. offices, etc. Sooner or later, one will need care.
New Mental Health Mandate Will Make Obamacare More Expensive, Increase Fraud And Canceled Policies

Even as stories pour in of Americans facing steeply higher health insurance premiums and canceled coverage, Team TISI 0% Obama just imposed new regulations that will make those problems worse. It’s almost like they can’t help themselves.

On Friday, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced new regulations mandating health insurers cover mental and behavioral health to the same extent they cover physical health care.

A “mental health parity” mandate was passed by Congress in 2008, but Obama officials claim health insurers aren’t fully complying. (You’ll just have to overlook the irony of the Obama administration, which has postponed several provisions of Obamacare without any legal authority to do so, complaining that others aren’t complying with some law.)