If a shirt has a military branch on it, can balls or penises be on it also?

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We want our children to be respectful. Many complain about how kids act these days. Yet some of those same poeple insist that because the shrit has USMC on it a pair of balls on it should be allowed. In my town in Texas this would not be allowed. And kids must have a hair cut and can't have their underwear hanging out. They can't disrupt a class and they have to get their progress reports signed by parents weekly. We send a lot of kids to college from our little town. My son went to Texas Tech.
PARENTS need more common sense. And the boy wasn't BANNED from wearing the shirt. He did have to turn it inside out. I don't allow my child to act this liberal. I don't want her in a school that allows it. Many may not agree. Just keep yur asses out of our little town. WE make kids behave.


The mother of a 13-year-old boy said she's outraged her son was banned from wearing a T-shirt in class that shows an anatomically correct U.S. Marine Corps bulldog.
When I see the back end of that dog all I see is a dog - no big deal and nothing that most of us don't see in our neigborhoods whenever the neighbor walks his dog.
When I see the back end of that dog all I see is a dog - no big deal and nothing that most of us don't see in our neigborhoods whenever the neighbor walks his dog.

You're a man, 12-13 year olds giggle and lose attention span over things like this much eaiser. And really, do we need to send our kids to school with balls on their shirts. Come on partner. Schools need rules.
I don't see the big deal about the shirt or the dog. Yes 12 year old girls giggle, they giggle about everything. If they have a male family dog, I'm sure they've giggled about him too. I would rather my kids saw the back end of that dog than the Che ones that are popular with kids.
The public schools should be sold off and privatized. Costs would come down, the level of education would go up, and parents would have far more options about the types, and environments, of schools available for their children to attend. I think parents should have the freedom to send their kids to a school that reflects their values, our one-size-fits-all public education system is incapable of offering that.
Moby, et al,

This is just way too funny.

We want our children to be respectful. Many complain about how kids act these days. Yet some of those same poeple insist that because the shrit has USMC on it a pair of balls on it should be allowed. In my town in Texas this would not be allowed. And kids must have a hair cut and can't have their underwear hanging out. They can't disrupt a class and they have to get their progress reports signed by parents weekly. We send a lot of kids to college from our little town. My son went to Texas Tech.
PARENTS need more common sense. And the boy wasn't BANNED from wearing the shirt. He did have to turn it inside out. I don't allow my child to act this liberal. I don't want her in a school that allows it. Many may not agree. Just keep yur asses out of our little town. WE make kids behave.


The mother of a 13-year-old boy said she's outraged her son was banned from wearing a T-shirt in class that shows an anatomically correct U.S. Marine Corps bulldog.

We are becoming a nation of sissies; with far more Political Correctness than we need.

Most Respectfully,
The public schools should be sold off and privatized. Costs would come down, the level of education would go up, and parents would have far more options about the types, and environments, of schools available for their children to attend. I think parents should have the freedom to send their kids to a school that reflects their values, our one-size-fits-all public education system is incapable of offering that.

Which is exactly the most important thing to take away from this. Thank you. No school is going to be able to police the T-shirts of the kids and do a fine job of it as long as we have a one-size-fits-all approach. If the school lets it go then they will be wrong with the right thinking of the OP (because yes the OP has plenty of right thinking in there) and if they force the kid to change then they will be wrong with those who either see no big deal or actually like the shirt.

In a private school the admin has the right to say what goes and what is not ok and if parents don't like it then they can simply move their kids to a school that fits them better. As long as parents are forced to pay taxes to the public school then there is a level of coercion for them to keep their kids in the public school.
Getting the government out of anything almost always inproves the service.

I bet a private military would do far better as well. Just a thought. Sorry, off track
Getting the government out of anything almost always inproves the service.

I bet a private military would do far better as well. Just a thought. Sorry, off track

I am sorry I cannot agree. The gov exists for a reason and for the reasons it exists it is the appropriate venue for these functions, i.e. the gov should run the military even if they are not very efficient at it.

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