I Voted Today

Really? He has consistently voted against all bills that enlarge government. He has a 26 year record that is very impressive. Yeah, he did vote for some thing to bring home the bacon to his district. But, for the most part, he is far better than the other three.

He might be better on spending than the others but he doesn’t seem genuine to me when he loads a bill with pork because he knows it’s going to pass then vote against it, patting himself on the back for not voting for pork yet getting the pork he put in the bill.

I hate Charlie Rangel for submitting bills to bring back the draft then voting against the bill all the while saying republicans want to bring back the draft.

If I hate Charlie for doing it, I have to hate Ron Paul too or I won’t be consistent :)
Was this AZ or MI?

I don't understand these open primaries. It only opens the door for the Democrats to pick our candidate, the one they know has the least chance of beating their guy. Can someone explain the logic?
The Human Corporation wins over the Middle ages Candidate. Ron Paul does what Ron Paul does....and some other guy is hanging around...most likely trying to find a new woman.

WTF is that? I think our favorite lib is stoned again...or maybe just being himself.

Yes, Michigan and yes, I was a Lions fan years ago. But, over a decade of losing changed that.
WTF is that? I think our favorite lib is stoned again...or maybe just being himself.

Yes, Michigan and yes, I was a Lions fan years ago. But, over a decade of losing changed that.

Hey man,,,Look my O's suck doesnt mean i stop watching them. But thank GOD for the Baltimore Ravens.
Hey man,,,Look my O's suck doesnt mean i stop watching them. But thank GOD for the Baltimore Ravens.

I watch the Lions...and root for the other team usually. This year they had a winning season and look to be finally putting out a competitive product...so maybe I will get back on the bandwagon.
I watch the Lions...and root for the other team usually. This year they had a winning season and look to be finally putting out a competitive product...so maybe I will get back on the bandwagon.

Im an O's fan. I wouldnt root for the Yankees or the Sox in Baltimore. It was a fun night watching my O's eliminate Sox from the playoffs.
Wow... you voted RP, I'm stunned but I completely agree with your reasoning on the issue... For those who think RP's policies would be too "extreme", we're electing a President, not a dictator. Whatever policies of his you think are horrible would be blunted or blocked by the Congress. As for hypocrisy, if that's a reason to not vote for someone, then you can't vote for any of them... They're all guilty of hypocrisy. Gip, I too think we're going to get stuck with another stinkin' progressive, he's going to be better in some areas than the current stinking progressive, but the overall direction of the country will not change, at best, we will move towards fiscal insovency a tad bit slower.
Wow... you voted RP, I'm stunned but I completely agree with your reasoning on the issue... For those who think RP's policies would be too "extreme", we're electing a President, not a dictator. Whatever policies of his you think are horrible would be blunted or blocked by the Congress. As for hypocrisy, if that's a reason to not vote for someone, then you can't vote for any of them... They're all guilty of hypocrisy. Gip, I too think we're going to get stuck with another stinkin' progressive, he's going to be better in some areas than the current stinking progressive, but the overall direction of the country will not change, at best, we will move towards fiscal insovency a tad bit slower.

No need to be stunned. Of the four candidates, I agree with RP on more issues than the others. That should not be hard to understand. RP is the only true conservative in the race. And, he has been consistent on the issues for decades, unlike the others. He is the only one who will truly reduce the size of government and by doing so, expand the rights of the individual. The others will say a lot, but do little.

It has been said that the American people are always ahead of their politicians. Politicians are much like the proverbial general fighting the last war. The people know whats right and will do what is necessary. For example, most of the American people will accept significant cuts in the Federal budget, but the dumbass politicians think they will not.

It is very depressing to think that Romney's winning the WH will only slow the growth of the state, while continuing to reduce the rights of the individual. And should BO get re-elected, that depressing thought is hard to contemplate. Its all very depressing.
Yeah, but if you look at the views of all the candidates, Paul more closely matches mine than the others. Yeah some of his views on foreign policy are out there and legalized drugs are too, but on all the other issues he is right.

I think he is the only one who will really reduce the size of government and put an end to big government and socialism. And get us back to abiding by the Constitution and the promotion of individual liberty and responsibility.

Given the content of your posts thus far, I'm amazed that you would vote for Ron Paul.

but, it's good that you did.
Was this AZ or MI?

I don't understand these open primaries. It only opens the door for the Democrats to pick our candidate, the one they know has the least chance of beating their guy. Can someone explain the logic?

I'm not sure there is much logic to it. It is politics, after all, which tends to be the polar opposite of logic.

In Michigan, it is thought (with good reason) that Democrats were voting for Santorum because he would be easier to beat than Romney.
I'm not sure there is much logic to it. It is politics, after all, which tends to be the polar opposite of logic.

In Michigan, it is thought (with good reason) that Democrats were voting for Santorum because he would be easier to beat than Romney.

that was the plan and I read that 1 in 10 was a mole voter and Santorum still lost.
that was the plan and I read that 1 in 10 was a mole voter and Santorum still lost.
Did you catch Jon Stewart's parody of that issue? It seems Romney was appalled that Democrats would do such a thing, it was a terrible strategy, and so on, but then Stewart ran clips of Romney supporting the Republicans having done the exact same thing back in '08, cheered on by, you guessed it, the same Romney.

Political gamesmanship at its finest.

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