I can prove God exists

If you can read this, I can prove that God exists.

The only thing you have proven with this subjective essay is that the author has a severe misunderstanding of what DNA actually is.

It has long been theorised by real scientists that that life began as a series of evolutionary events (which of course is consistent with another proven fact - natural selection); that led to the development of DNA.

Experiments from years ago show that it is indeed possible that simple nucleotides could have been formed in the atmosphere and could have been transported to our oceans by weather.

If you know anything about biology at all you would know that RNA and DNA is simply long chains of these simple nucleotides - these groups of nucleotides eventually evolved into self replicating RNA which in turn evolved into DNA as the complexity of the organism increased.

RNA simply couldn't "get it done by itself" anymore.

The increasingly complex organisms required a much more stable genetic base along with the development of proteins, a necessary step for the organism to evolve into a multicellular organisms.

This of course has been a pretty rudimentary explanation but even so its meaning is quite clear: there are plenty of real scientific theories that explain the creation of life much more accurately (and realistically) than the crackpot theory that life was created by some cloud fairy who lives in the sky.
Bill Shatner

The problem you may not be aware of is the debate over the existence of oxygen in the pre-biotic atmosphere.

Where there is free oxygen present, amino acids and nucleotides immediately bond with the oxygen to form new compounds. If there is no free oxygen present, then there is no ozone and the earth is flooded with UV radiation which is toxic to all life and all organic compounds.

Oxygen present = no amino acids
No oxygen present = no organic compounds are able to live

So the Darwinistas are damned if there was oxygen in the pre-biotic atmosphere and damned if there wasn't.

And so far, no one, including you, has offered any kind of plausible answer to my question:

"How did 6 billion comlpex chemicals arrange themselves in the correct order and align themselves properly on the human DNA molecule?"

Darwinista mumbo-jumbo does not answer this questions. Do you have a specific answer or just more theorizing, hypothesizing and WAGs.
invest said:
Where there is free oxygen present, amino acids and nucleotides immediately bond with the oxygen to form new compounds. If there is no free oxygen present, then there is no ozone and the earth is flooded with UV radiation which is toxic to all life and all organic compounds.

Oxygen present = no amino acids
No oxygen present = no organic compounds are able to live

This assertion is inconsistent with the accepted theory I described as well as how nucleotides bond together.

"How did 6 billion comlpex chemicals arrange themselves in the correct order and align themselves properly on the human DNA molecule?"

I already explained it to you; If you don't "get it" than that's not my problem.

Darwinista mumbo-jumbo does not answer this questions. Do you have a specific answer or just more theorizing, hypothesizing and WAGs.

Natural selection is a proven fact.

Deal with it.
An authoritative study concluded that the early biosphere contained oxygen before the earliest fossils (bacteria) formed. Iron oxides were found that “imply a source of oxygen enough to convert into insoluble ferric material the ferrous solutions that must have first formed the flat, continuous horizontal layers that can in some sites be traced over hundreds of kilometers.” Philip Morrison, “Earth’s Earliest Biosphere,” Scientific American, Vol. 250, April 1984, pp. 30–31.

Since 1930, it has been known that amino acids cannot link together if oxygen is present. Proteins could not have evolved from chance chemical reactions if the atmosphere contained oxygen. Proteins break down into amino acids but the reverse has never been observed in the natural order or simulated in the lab. However, the chemistry of the earth’s rocks, both on land and below ancient seas, shows that the earth had oxygen before the earliest fossils formed. This information can be verified from probably a thousand web sites, if you know how to use the web.

Creation of simple amino acids appears to be relatively simple in a reducing atmosphere (no oxygen). But the geologic record shows iron oxide in rock dated to 4 billion years ago. The bulk of evidence today says there was oxygen in the earth’s atmosphere before life began.

And if there were no oxygen in the pre-biotic atmosphere there is no ozone and no way to filter out UV rays. As you may or may not be aware, UV radiation is fatal to ALL life at sufficient levels.

Oxygen present: no amino acids
No oxygen: no ozone and no life cuz of those nasty UV rays

“I already explained it to you; If you don't "get it" than that's not my problem.” I’m sorry but I’m just a hick from the sticks. So far you have presented incorrect information about nucleotides but haven’t presented any specific mechanism for 6 billion complex chemicals to arrange themselves in precise order in the precise location.

Billy, try to answer my question straight up with no gobbledygook. I know you Darwinistas have been programmed to spout the MacroE line straight out of the book, with no thought to the meaning of the concepts. I know you are brainwashed into never questioning the absolute truth of MacroE. But try to focus here. Try thinking for yourself. You might find it refreshing and cleansing for your brain.


The possible combinations of nucleotides on the DNA molecule is 4 to the 6 billionth power. So how, specifically, did MacroE get them all right? I say it is so unlikely as to be laughable that unfocused and random forces of evolutionary theory could ever put the human DNA molecule together. So prove me wrong. Tell me specifically, how MacroE pulled this off.

Natural Selection is a demonstrable fact. MacroE has never been observed in the natural order and has never been simulated in the lab. Natural Selection is an accepted fact. MacroE is a hypothesis that is under attack from several scientific disciplines and the holes in the this hypothesis are becoming more apparent every day.

Prove me wrong, billy. Just tell us specifically and not generally. Don't insult the readers of HOP with theories. Give us the specifc facts. That is, if you can.
Once again you take the gaps in knowledge and work them to your advantage rather than mine, which doesn't prove anything. Amino acids cant form in oxygen, but without oxygen they wont because of UV.

So something else happened we don't know. Its not neccessarily God, its just science we havn't worked out yet I should imagine. Haven't you realised by now, science has filled in a lot of spaces religion previously occupied in almost every field?
I agree with 9sublime. Just because we don't know something does not equal god did it.

We may not have a scientific explanation for the origins of life, but this does mean god exists. Science has discovered that organic compounds are created in dying stars. Whether this fits into the PAH world hypothesis is still unknown.

While organic compounds have been discovered in meteorites that have landed on Earth, this is the first direct evidence for the presence of complex, important biogenic compounds in space. So far evidence suggests that PANHs are formed in the winds of dying stars and spread all over interstellar space.

"This stuff contains the building blocks of life, and now we can say they're abundant in space," Hudgins said. "And wherever there's a planet out there, we know that these things are going to be raining down on it. It did here and it does elsewhere...."

....But swap a carbon atom with a nitrogen and a PAH becomes a PANH, a class of molecules critical to humans. Without nitrogen, it would be impossible to build amino acids, proteins, DNA, RNA, hemoglobin, and many other important molecules.

Source: http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/051018_science_tuesday.html
Since 1930, it has been known that amino acids cannot link together if oxygen is present.

Good grief you still don't get it.

Nucleotides didn't group together in the atmosphere, they grouped together in the oceans.

Hence why I stated that your perception of how nucleotides is inconsistent with actual science.

Billy, try to answer my question straight up with no gobbledygook

That "gobbledygook" is what other folks call "science". I'm sorry if the concept is foreign to you.


Natural Selection (a proven scientific fact) over the course of billions of years.
You do not understand the scientific meaning of the word THEORY.

If everything complex has to have a designer, then the ostensible omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent being you call "the Creator" also had to have a designer as well.

The idea that a Creator built something as vast as the entire universe just so he could create some human on one of the zillion planets of one of zillions of star systems to fool around with is quite absurd.