Really disgusting my friends.
As I've watch ed the coverage of the failed Christmas day plane bombing attempt we see Republicans coming out of the woodwork to viciously attack our President, President Obama. Look at some of the threads even in here and you'll see the exact same disinformation and really pitiful attempts to spin this incident into a cheap petty blame fest. When in reality this should bring all Americans together . This is not the time for political smear games.
Let's look at how simply awful the Republicans have become. You'll recognize these themes. They've been posted right in here.
SMEAR: President Obama waited too long to make a strong statement about the Christmas day incident.
FACT: President Obama publicaly came forward just 72 hours after this act condeming it saying we would seek out those behind this also explaining extra security measures. In stark contrast it took President Bush 6 whole days to make any statement on the Richard Reid attempted shoe bombing of a US plane incident.
SMEAR: President Obama should have ordered the Christmas day attempted plane bomber into a military tribunal and not the Federal Court system because there's no way that we can handel this type of case appropriately in that legal venue.
FACT: Under the Bush administration Richard Reid was not sent to any military tribunal he was sent to Federal Court. He was sentenced by Judge Young to life imprisonment on each of the three charges, 20 years imprisonment on four other charges, and 30 years on four other counts, to be served consecutively, followed by five years of supervised release. Eight fines of $250,000, restitution of $298.17, and $5,784,800 special assessment were imposed. There is no parole in the federal prison system. He is serving his sentences in the ADX Florence, a Supermax prison in Florence, Colorado.
SMEAR: President Obama isn't doing enough to combat terririst overseas, doesn't know we are at war with extremeists.
FACT: President Obama has from the start said the focus should have been on locations other than Iraq such as Afghanistan. He has authorized drone assault attacks to even go beyond Afghanistan and into Pakistan. These missions have been successful in killing Al-Quaeda leaders. President Obama in his first year in office agreed to send an additional 30,000 American troops and secured commitments for more international troops into this region. Unlike Bush he did not squandered away American credibility around the world & American lives & treasure invading the wrong country but hits at the heart of extremism.
So my friends set the record straight to one and all... to everyone you speak too. Never allow blowhards like Dick Cheney to fake & fraud the American people. It seems the entire Republican Party has now lowered themselves to nothing more than Druggie Limbaugh Lunatic Right Shock Jock clones of disinformation & lies.

As I've watch ed the coverage of the failed Christmas day plane bombing attempt we see Republicans coming out of the woodwork to viciously attack our President, President Obama. Look at some of the threads even in here and you'll see the exact same disinformation and really pitiful attempts to spin this incident into a cheap petty blame fest. When in reality this should bring all Americans together . This is not the time for political smear games.
Let's look at how simply awful the Republicans have become. You'll recognize these themes. They've been posted right in here.
SMEAR: President Obama waited too long to make a strong statement about the Christmas day incident.
FACT: President Obama publicaly came forward just 72 hours after this act condeming it saying we would seek out those behind this also explaining extra security measures. In stark contrast it took President Bush 6 whole days to make any statement on the Richard Reid attempted shoe bombing of a US plane incident.
SMEAR: President Obama should have ordered the Christmas day attempted plane bomber into a military tribunal and not the Federal Court system because there's no way that we can handel this type of case appropriately in that legal venue.
FACT: Under the Bush administration Richard Reid was not sent to any military tribunal he was sent to Federal Court. He was sentenced by Judge Young to life imprisonment on each of the three charges, 20 years imprisonment on four other charges, and 30 years on four other counts, to be served consecutively, followed by five years of supervised release. Eight fines of $250,000, restitution of $298.17, and $5,784,800 special assessment were imposed. There is no parole in the federal prison system. He is serving his sentences in the ADX Florence, a Supermax prison in Florence, Colorado.
SMEAR: President Obama isn't doing enough to combat terririst overseas, doesn't know we are at war with extremeists.
FACT: President Obama has from the start said the focus should have been on locations other than Iraq such as Afghanistan. He has authorized drone assault attacks to even go beyond Afghanistan and into Pakistan. These missions have been successful in killing Al-Quaeda leaders. President Obama in his first year in office agreed to send an additional 30,000 American troops and secured commitments for more international troops into this region. Unlike Bush he did not squandered away American credibility around the world & American lives & treasure invading the wrong country but hits at the heart of extremism.
So my friends set the record straight to one and all... to everyone you speak too. Never allow blowhards like Dick Cheney to fake & fraud the American people. It seems the entire Republican Party has now lowered themselves to nothing more than Druggie Limbaugh Lunatic Right Shock Jock clones of disinformation & lies.