Hurricane Gustav threatens GOP convention

The GOP base is not even warming up to mccain (of course, i could be wrong) and even though it's still early in the game, this just proves to show how we see our candidates to-date. i know i will get burned for this, but i think mccain is a warmonger. i get the impression that he doesn't care to what happens to our troops in the middle east and the other parts of the world. Furthermore, the Presidential campaign TV ads is getting a little nasty, if you happen to see the "McCain's New TV Ad on Obama's 'Celebrity' like Britney Spears and Paris Hilton and The Democratic TV Ad on McCain: Are We Better Off?" videos being clash in Well, sooner or later you knew it had to start! The media is begging for it and the people want to see some fight in their candidates. So here ya go...and I am sure this is only the beginning. So, if I'm going to ask this question, which one is more believable in ?

While its nice to see new pfaces .. this needs to go to a new thread.. we have plenty about McCains short coming and his lack of support in the G.O.P .. Please keep it to katrina and G.O.P
BTW for those who never got to see New Orleans within the months (( and unfortunally years )) affter clean up work began.. the seen was mind boggling..

It is pretty easy to iagine thou.. which ever city you live in .. what ever part of the suburabs it is in that city .. imagine 80precent of that city with at LEAST a 6 foot water line on every single neighborhood, subdivision , downtown skyscrapper w/e for litterally 50 miles... upon entiering New orleans from the west towards the Lower 9th..(( highway 90 and 10 right? its been years .. to lazy to pull out my map i had everything marked on )) you could litterally see the water line marked in a black debris and filth that contaminatied everything...., on certain parts of the highway that dip in topgeography there where litterally 12 foot water lines marking the devestation.. driving down any of the streets in lower 9th ward looked as if an atomic bomb had gone off.. since most of the building had no premeant seating to there concrete foundations.. houses where litterally picked up and scooted as far as a mile from there orignal resting places.. not one house was spared and the entire area from when I got there to when I left was assumed it would all have to be bulldozed.. most of the other areas were not as bad but contained huge amounts of damage.. nearly all building downtown were submerged by 6 foot water with swells reaching as high as 8 from the waterlines I marked.. on the south shores of Lake Pontchatrain,... all there marinas had been turned into dry-docks within a day as all the ships moored were raised so high .. they slipped over there mooring posts (( which typically extend an extra 6 feet in the air )) and followed the water as far as 2 miles inland..

Theres alot .. alot more.. but its pretty simple .. imagine your entire town being flooded from its its average topilogical point.. 6 feet up.. on relativly flat land..

BTW I went to New orleans aprox 3 to 4 months after Katrina .. after they finally started lifting some of the curfews. I worked their as an estimator for property damage to City of New orleans buildings (( all of them .. public and private.. )) and a few commercial sites. We estimated flood ,wind and fire damage... It was was amazing .. I have never seen anything .. anything at all like it.. The news will never do it justice to just how large the scope of things destroyed ...
Just a thought..

Gustav may mandate Bush/Cheney being gone to deal with the situation.

That would be a windfall for the GOP to have that excuse I'd think. The last thing they need is to have McSame and Bush giving a unity speech..

Think about it.. Separation can be a good thing at times.
Just a thought..

Gustav may mandate Bush/Cheney being gone to deal with the situation.

That would be a windfall for the GOP to have that excuse I'd think. The last thing they need is to have McSame and Bush giving a unity speech..

Think about it.. Separation can be a good thing at times.

So the Hurricane is a conspiracy to separate McCain from Bush? Was it BigOil that put it together? ;)
Yahoo breaking news.Mayor Ray Nagin orders New Orleans evacuated, calling Hurricane Gustav "the mother of all storms."

concerned thoughts about and to the folks going through this.........
more breaking......

*** Breaking News***

NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Mayor Ray Nagin is ordering the mandatory evacuation of New Orleans, turning informal advice to flee from the approaching Hurricane Gustav into an official order to get out.

Just a thought..

Gustav may mandate Bush/Cheney being gone to deal with the situation.

That would be a windfall for the GOP to have that excuse I'd think. The last thing they need is to have McSame and Bush giving a unity speech..

Think about it.. Separation can be a good thing at times.

Unfortunately it appears you are right, or at least half right.

President Bush is unlikely to attend the Republican convention in Minnesota as scheduled Monday because of concerns about Hurricane Gustav, the White House said Sunday.

The perfect out.

However, the real force behind the worst administration in modern history...Dick Cheney, is still scheduled to speak. Though I doubt that the Republicans would be so foolish as to feature him prominently, considering the general distaste the American public has for him.

Vice President Dick Cheney still planned to speak at the convention on Monday, his office said Sunday.
I just heard a clip today that Cheney may opt out too.

If they have Cheney speak on behalf of McCain, that may be his swansong. I guess rampant stupidity isn't limited just to democratic strategy after all.

If the GOP wanted to really salvage this convention, they would minimize speechs, quickly nominate McCain/Palin and make the total convention about being sacrafice in the name of the safety of the american people. Cut it two days short or whatever and keep the focus of all the speeches on what they are actively doing in the moment to aid Gustav victims. And if they really really got smart about it, they would accentuate the Obama greek god party house image of the dem convention on "putting aside real american concerns to worship The Anointed One on High, in a carefree party atmostphere"

Like a bacchanal vs a spartan war party.

Another thing that's going to suck for them (ah, too is that their little "drill offshore" platform during a wrecking hurricane of the main region where offshore oil is, is going to flop like a dying halibut. If McCain really want to rope in more voters he will stand firm to implement real alternatives to Oil and coal. Nuclear won't make friends. No one wants that radioactive crap in their backyards when steam can be gotten directly from thermal vents or turbines turned by wind, and solar farms can produce current to run electric cars.

The GOP better goddamned get out of bed with BigOil or they're going to lose the election. It will be the determining factor of who wins and who loses..

If they distance themselves from BigOil and swear on a stack of Bibles with no fingers crossed behind their backs that they will tell BigOil agendas to piss off, they may get my interest with Palin on board.

Otherwise I will most reluctantly and disgusted vote for Obama, the candidate who will be disqualified by Sinclair either before he loses this Fall or lameducked after he wins to the detriment of the image of the entire democratic party for making such a foolhardy choice all on some fluff agenda of "making history with a black candidate".

One words sums up my feelings for the DNC: Disgust.
I just heard a clip today that Cheney may opt out too.

If they have Cheney speak on behalf of McCain, that may be his swansong. I guess rampant stupidity isn't limited just to democratic strategy after all.

If the GOP wanted to really salvage this convention, they would minimize speechs, quickly nominate McCain/Palin and make the total convention about being sacrafice in the name of the safety of the american people. Cut it two days short or whatever and keep the focus of all the speeches on what they are actively doing in the moment to aid Gustav victims. And if they really really got smart about it, they would accentuate the Obama greek god party house image of the dem convention on "putting aside real american concerns to worship The Anointed One on High, in a carefree party atmostphere"

Like a bacchanal vs a spartan war party.

Another thing that's going to suck for them (ah, too is that their little "drill offshore" platform during a wrecking hurricane of the main region where offshore oil is, is going to flop like a dying halibut. If McCain really want to rope in more voters he will stand firm to implement real alternatives to Oil and coal. Nuclear won't make friends. No one wants that radioactive crap in their backyards when steam can be gotten directly from thermal vents or turbines turned by wind, and solar farms can produce current to run electric cars.

The GOP better goddamned get out of bed with BigOil or they're going to lose the election. It will be the determining factor of who wins and who loses..

If they distance themselves from BigOil and swear on a stack of Bibles with no fingers crossed behind their backs that they will tell BigOil agendas to piss off, they may get my interest with Palin on board.

Otherwise I will most reluctantly and disgusted vote for Obama, the candidate who will be disqualified by Sinclair either before he loses this Fall or lameducked after he wins to the detriment of the image of the entire democratic party for making such a foolhardy choice all on some fluff agenda of "making history with a black candidate".

One words sums up my feelings for the DNC: Disgust.

Neither Bush nor Cheney will be at the Convention.
So my prediction comes true after all..

The GOP is much smarter strategically than the dems.

This hurricane is both a disaster in and of itself and a godsend to the McCain campaign. You know he knew standing next to the evil twins was not going to fare well for his "convention bump"..

To say the least.
So my prediction comes true after all..

The GOP is much smarter strategically than the dems.

This hurricane is both a disaster in and of itself and a godsend to the McCain campaign. You know he knew standing next to the evil twins was not going to fare well for his "convention bump"..

To say the least.

Bush and Cheney were not going to have a huge impact on the convention to begin with. Them not speaking (they might still speak via satellite) is not going to have much of an impact either way.

I view this as McCain's first big test. If he responds well to this, then it just re-enforces the idea that he would make a good commander in chief. Should he handle it poorly, it will reflect on his numbers. Right now, he has handled it quite well.
ASTONISHING !....... and maybe more than a little pathological. Now, destructive hurricanes, that are dislocating a population from an entire city , making them face another uncertain future........... are used for /as political tactics.

Is there NO LOW that the US will not descend to???

Seems that every shred of humanity has left the US....

Meanwhile , even though the evacuation and the pending storm is being handled a lot more efficiently , REAL PEOPLE face a new CRISIS in their LIVES..... most of whom don't even know where they will end up ....

And this is supposed to be POLITICALLY valuable for the most dangerous and ugly party in the US. IS THAT ALL THAT MATTERS??? Yet, in a malicious way......... this attitude fits the "GOP" right to a "t". They will use and abuse ANYTHING to their advantage. EVERYTHING Is politics to them............the dirtier , the more underhanded, the better they like it.

Even the name "Gustav"............has political connotations.

A serious lack of sophistication and the HUMANITARIAN element is displayed ......AGAIN.:mad:

and as such...........the US can only be PITIED.

Seems we will not be seeing the BUSH/CHENEY duo in NO any time soon. ~ even if it would be to spew more LIES, and we all know what the bush matriarch feels about the poor and black. Heck..... Babs bush might be the ultimate in "tacticians". after all , it is all about strategy and tactics.. and if thousands are homeless ...........just another potential political tactic.

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