Huntsman calls on US Republicans to accept science

and if there report had said anything else you would reject it..and ignore it.

These guys have no issues with integrity. Makes a difference.

ouple this with NASAs demonstrating that the heat trapping effect of CO2 has been grossly overstated (I guess the are trying to regain their credibility) and you have a pretty effective 1-2 punch.
OK I'll accept science. CERN has proven by duplication not models, that global warming is caused by solar emissions, not CO2. You recall CERN, the guys who brought you the internet and Hedron Collider, no more respected institute on the planet.
You listen to too much Fox news and don't read enough science books.

A recent study found that a change in GCR (galactic cosmic rays) intensity, as is typically observed over an 11 year solar cycle, could, at maximum, cause a change of 0.1% in the number of CCN (cloud condensation nuclei). This is likely to be far too small to make noticeable changes in cloud properties.
You listen to too much Fox news and don't read enough science books.
A recent study found that a change in GCR (galactic cosmic rays) intensity, as is typically observed over an 11 year solar cycle, could, at maximum, cause a change of 0.1% in the number of CCN (cloud condensation nuclei). This is likely to be far too small to make noticeable changes in cloud properties.

Pick up the journal 'Nature' and learn what CERN has proven, not guessed at.
Pick up the journal 'Nature' and learn what CERN has proven, not guessed at.

They proved that radiation can cause droplet nucleation that affects solar absorption. They did not prove that the resulting absorption was large enough to cause a significant effect. Other scientists proved that the effect was only about .1%.

In short a .1% effect is way too small to cause a 1 degree centigrade warming.