Well-Known Member
Does Hamas have the right to kill anyone they want? Your argument is weak at best. In war there are casualties. It's unfair but it happens. Are you telling me that if there was no Hamas Israel would kill women and children. Put down the bottle!
In war there are casualties? I would suggest this wasn't a war, but a massacre. Here's the casualty count for Gaza as of the 18th when the recent ceasefire took hold.
Palestinians- 1203 dead (more than 50% women and children)
The Israelis receive more than 3 billion a year in military aid from the US. They use the latest high tech weapons, including white phosphorous...which ignites when it strikes the skin and burns straight through or until it is cut off from oxygen....water cannot put a WP fire out. Obviously it causes horrific injuries. Meanwhile Hamas has nothing more than some antiquated rockets with no guidance system...
The Palestinian people, due to fences and the blockade, are fenced in..1.5 million people in an area which at it's widest is only 7.5 miles. The human shield crap is just that...Israeli propaganda. Where would the Israeli apologists have Hamas go?
The Israelis have committed a slaughter of the highest order, the head of the UN in Gaza has accused them of war crimes. For the Israeli apologists to continue to try and justify the Jewish state's actions is a new level of absurdity which renders their argument counter productive for those of us who care about the human rights of all peoples...not just Israelis and Americans.