How would the Democrat Party change if lying by their members was made punishable by physical punishment? Whipping? Stockades?

It's like the crooked operatives at the end of the chain of corruption were waiting until they knew that they had bought or leveraged enough district attorneys and other justice system officials to go against the law before the really significant voter fraud efforts might be attempted in earnest.

or its like you morons have convinced yourself of that by concocting a huge stupid conspiracy theory with zero credible evidence. lol
republicans have been committing voting fraud for decades too.

but you morons have no credible evidence democrats did more in 2020 than the usual amount of random, isolated fraud.
if you did you wouldn't have lost every court case, *****.

hey, did the "cyber ninjas" (hahahahha) find any massive voting fraud in arizona? no? lol.

you morons are so stupid
Courts rejected voting fraud cases in the days and weeks following the election, long before any serious investigations into the fraud had even begun. No court was in any position to rule on much of the evidence of 2020 voting fraud.
you're right, but i dont' have to prove anything, *****.
you morons do since you are claiming fraud, not me. lol
Democrats fight voter fraud investigations, demonize Americans demanding investigations, and claim Democrats have no responsibility to help investigators answer voting fraud evidence and allegations.
Courts rejected voting fraud cases in the days and weeks following the election, long before any serious investigations into the fraud had even begun. No court was in any position to rule on much of the evidence of 2020 voting fraud.
Plenty of courts heard the cases *****
You could have provided all the evidence you had duh
And ruled against fraud
God hates when you lie

And you could file new cases today even duh
But your evidence is worthless lol
Democrats fight voter fraud investigations, demonize Americans demanding investigations, and claim Democrats have no responsibility to help investigators answer voting fraud evidence and allegations.
No one has an obligation bto pander to your temper tantrum duh
Get credible evidence
Plenty of courts heard the cases *****
You could have provided all the evidence you had duh
And ruled against fraud
God hates when you lie

And you could file new cases today even duh
But your evidence is worthless lol
Courts could not possibly have ruled on evidence that had not yet been accumulated by the time they arbitrarily rejected voting fraud cases for reasons that did not involve courts disproving widespread fraud.
No one has an obligation bto pander to your temper tantrum duh
Get credible evidence
Voting fraud is hard to detect and Democrats know that. Furthermore, voting fraud crimes rarely result in convictions when uncovered, a fact also known to Democrats. In spite of Democrat obstructions and objections to investigations, voting fraud has been uncovered and Democrats dishonestly deny it, for obvious reasons.

Nobody can prove the 2020 election fraud was minimal, especially since the evidence suggests it was massive. Democrats continue to argue that investigations into fraud are a waste of time. That proves they do not want to satisfy the wishes of millions of Americans who want the fraud to be investigated in order to restore their faith in our elections process. This is from voting fraud evidence of about 20 years ago:

Voter Fraud: A Tough Crime to Prove : NPR 3-15-07

Voter Fraud: A Tough Crime to Prove

Republicans say Democrats don't want to acknowledge the extent of the problem because they fear any solution will cost them votes.

Doug Chapin of the non-partisan says no one really knows how much voter fraud is out there.

"The suspicions frequently outstrip the evidence," he said. "What we don't know is whether or not the suspicion is unfounded or the evidence is as yet uncovered."

He adds that there isn't even an agreed-upon definition of voter fraud, further complicating any debate over whether or not enough is being done to stop it.
that report sayis "irregularities" and "alleged fraud" *****. lol proven fraud. lol.
Democrats are wrong to claim since various fraud claims are not yet proven then Americans are not entitled to the claims being adequately investigated. Democrats show their contempt for the American people and for their demands that elections be secured to the satisfaction of all Americans. 12-21-20

Global Economic Warfare (by Secret Weapon Author Kevin D. Freeman)

Why Do They Refuse to Look at Voting Machine Vulnerabilities?

… 3. The media, the courts, and election officials refuse to let anyone investigate properly. Why?

Given the seriousness of the issue and the realities of points #1 and #2, you would think it would be natural to examine the machines thoroughly. And none of this nonsense that the machines never connect to the Internet. That has been proven unequivocally false by the non-partisan Killchain documentary. And, even if that were true, the use of thumb drives and cards could create the same effect without being detected. …
republicans have been committing voting fraud for decades too.

but you morons have no credible evidence democrats did more in 2020 than the usual amount of random, isolated fraud.
if you did you wouldn't have lost every court case, *****.
You lie if you claim courts disproved the evidence of massive voting fraud by Dominion machines in just one of the very few Dominion machines the Democrats were forced to allow Republicans to examine after the 2020 election.

Evidence of Vote Manipulation Redacted from Dominion Audit ( 12-20-20

An audit of Dominion machines show massive fraud. (Image: YouTube / Screenshot

you're right, but i dont' have to prove anything, *****.
you morons do since you are claiming fraud, not me. lol
All American public officials share in the responsibility to demonstrate to the American people that our elections are free from fraud, and refusing to allow investigations into evidence of fraud is not a fulfillment of that responsibility.

If Election Fraud Isn’t a Problem, Why Obstruct Investigations of it? | The Heritage Foundation 1-16-18

If Election Fraud Isn’t a Problem, Why Obstruct Investigations of It?

Jan 16, 2018


Jason Snead


Former Senior Policy Analyst

Jason Snead was a senior policy analyst in the Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at The Heritage Foundation.

Protecting the sanctity of the ballot box and ensuring that lawful votes are not diluted by fraud and theft should be an issue that rises above partisan games.iStock

Politicians and pundits are cheering the end of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity. After spending months working aggressively to undermine its credibility and obstruct its work at every turn, they are claiming victory.

But make no mistake, their win is a loss for everyday Americans who now head into an election year deprived of a chance to know, once and for all, the scale and scope of voter fraud in America.

Answering that question was the core mission of this bipartisan commission.

Unfortunately, like so many things in politics today, what should have been a non-partisan matter was quickly made into a hyper-partisan cause.

Activists and elected officials — predominantly left-leaning ones — have leveled outlandish and even highly personal attacks against the commission and some of its members, accusing it of “voter suppression.” Quite the charge, considering that investigating incidents of voter suppression was part of the commission’s mandate.

When the commission requested basic voter records from the states, many feigned outrage and refused to comply. Never mind that those records are, by law, publicly available and routinely requested and purchased by political parties and other non-governmental entities.

Liberal advocacy organizations and even one of the commission’s own members, Maine Secretary of State Matt Dunlap, a Democrat, filed a bevy of lawsuits against it, bogging down the panel’s staff and grinding its operations to a halt. All this, just to stop a bipartisan advisory group from even studying the issue of election integrity. It begs the question, what are they afraid an investigation might uncover?

Could it be that, after years of insisting election fraud is non-existent, they fear a comprehensive analysis may reveal the opposite to be true? After all, the evidence is mounting against them.
or its like you morons have convinced yourself of that by concocting a huge stupid conspiracy theory with zero credible evidence. lol
If there was no significant fraud then why are Democrats not supporting, encouraging, and even demanding thorough investigations into the alleged evidence of voting fraud?
Plenty of courts heard the cases *****
What courts are you talking about and what evidence have courts presented that massive Democrat voting fraud did not occur?

Yes, voter fraud is real, and courts are cracking down on it (

Yes, voter fraud is real, and courts are cracking down on it

Quin Hillyer, Deputy Commentary Editor

September 19, 2022 05:21 PM

A big voter fraud arrest and a separate voter fraud conviction in the past eight days again show that illicit voting is real and not terribly rare. The good news is that those on the side of ensuring voter integrity keep winning in the courts.

In 2020, I explained that New York’s absentee voting “portal” was so slipshod as to be an open invitation to fraud . “Someone could easily go to the portal using someone else’s name and date of birth and registered address within the district,” I wrote, “then ask for an absentee ballot to be sent somewhere else, and then fill in the ballot and mail it in.”

It is of precisely that offense that Jason T. Schofield, the Republican Rensselaer County Board of Elections commissioner, stands accused after his Sept. 13 arrest: “The indictment accuses Schofield of using an online state Board of Elections portal to request absentee ballots on behalf of eight voters who had no interest in voting, did not request absentee ballots and didn't know that Schofield was using their personal information to obtain the ballots.”

In Stamford, Connecticut, there was not just an arrest but a conviction. John Mallozzi, the city’s former Democratic Party chief, was found guilty of 28 felonies for forging absentee ballots in the 2015 municipal elections.

Both instances involve abuse of absentee ballots. As voter integrity experts long have noted and as even the liberal New York Times stated as a fact before it became politically inconvenient, absentee and mail-in ballots are much riper for abuse and fraud than in-person voting. The Heritage Foundation’s database of election fraud cases shows that a large proportion of voting-related convictions result from the misuse of absentee or mail-in ballots. (And, of course, the sheer size of the database shows how absurd it is for the establishment media repeatedly to claim that voter fraud is nearly nonexistent. By now, the media’s willful ignorance has become the moral equivalent of a flat-out lie.)
No one has an obligation bto pander to your temper tantrum duh
Get credible evidence
Do you not see the contradiction in Democrats demands that voting fraud investigations be blocked until evidence from voting fraud investigations is proven?

One America News Network

Voting fraud evidence raises suspicions over Dems' refusal to allow audit of voting machines
Courts could not possibly have ruled on evidence that had not yet been accumulated by the time they arbitrarily rejected voting fraud cases for reasons that did not involve courts disproving widespread fraud.

so file a case now, *****. duh.
but you morons wont because you STILL have no credible evidence. duh.

and if you morons had no credible evidence originally and yet filed over 60 cases? wow, talk about stupid AND desperate :)