How many excuses will democrats come up with for Biden ?

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
His staff did it the movers did it but nobody's taking into account Joe Biden had to take the records out and was responsible for them he's the one that has them in the end isn't it cute how Democrats have such a double standard Trump's guilty and needs to be jail but not Joe Biden he's special lol
His staff did it the movers did it but nobody's taking into account Joe Biden had to take the records out and was responsible for them he's the one that has them in the end isn't it cute how Democrats have such a double standard Trump's guilty and needs to be jail but not Joe Biden he's special lol

you can prove that biden HAD to take the records out?

and he's "responsible" for them? well, not sure that's true legally, *****. When a bank employee embezzles, do they arrest him..or the bank manager? duh.

again, trump's case was MUCH different, as per the thread I posted. apples and anyone with an IQ over 50 :)
you can prove that biden HAD to take the records out?

and he's "responsible" for them? well, not sure that's true legally, *****. When a bank employee embezzles, do they arrest him..or the bank manager? duh.

again, trump's case was MUCH different, as per the thread I posted. apples and anyone with an IQ over 50 :)
lol he had them at his office and at his home .
Now you keep making excuses for him like a good little egg sucker . I think the left side of his skull is already starting to collapse due to your sucking up . I love how you will use any excuse you can come up with to justify Biden breaking the law .
Yes when you go to court and tell the judge I don't know how that 5 lbs of cocaine got in my car the box boy must of put it there or the car detailer or my wife or my son or they put that in there when they made the car or I found that on the street and picked it up so a kid would not get it its not mine I know nothing about it .

It matters not what matters is they were classified, and he has them in his office and home. Having them is illegal
But you go ahead and keep making excuses for him .

Dont worry Im sure he will get the same consideration democrats gave trump for the same offense .

What it has done is make it impossible for trump to be charged and prosecuted for it with out doing him at the same time , So it looks like the democrats have blowen their load yet again thanks to Lying Biden . Bye the way with joes history of lying do you actually think any one other then you and Boris believe him .

How many excuses will democrats come up with for Biden ?​

His staff did it the movers did it but nobody's taking into account Joe Biden had to take the records out and was responsible for them he's the one that has them in the end isn't it cute how Democrats have such a double standard Trump's guilty and needs to be jail but not Joe Biden he's special lol're detecting another o' your fuck-ups a little earlier, now, huh???
Yes they found classified documents in Biden garage and file cabinet I guess the movers must of filed those documents in lying bidens private file cabinet also
Yes they found classified documents in Biden garage and file cabinet I guess the movers must of filed those documents in lying bidens private file cabinet also

who knows who did what? biden has staff you know. and lots of files.

feel free to prove biden did it and knew about it, *****. lol
who knows who did what? biden has staff you know. and lots of files.

feel free to prove biden did it and knew about it, *****. lol
Maybe the classified document they found in his files at his home and office and in his garage ANd couldn't trump use the same excuse bidens using I didnt know the staff did it
His staff did it the movers did it but nobody's taking into account Joe Biden had to take the records out and was responsible for them he's the one that has them in the end isn't it cute how Democrats have such a double standard Trump's guilty and needs to be jail but not Joe Biden he's special lol
You cretins are still making excuses for Trump so we've got time in our side.
I never mad excuses for him Boris and you know you are making them for biden and your brother ricky retardo . No time isn't on your side . Joe may end up impeached or jailed soon and no democrat will win the next election