How many aircraft carriers do we need?

If you need to deliver shock and awe, aircraft carriers are most helpful.
In a combat exercise off the coast of Florida in 2015, a small French nuclear submarine, the Saphir, snuck through multiple rings of defenses and “sank” the U.S. aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt and half of its escort ships. In other naval exercises, even old-fashioned diesel-electric submarines have beaten carriers.

A 2015 Rand Corporation report, “Chinese Threats to U.S. Surface Ships,” found that if hostilities broke out, “the risks to U.S. carriers are substantial and rising.”
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In a combat exercise off the coast of Florida in 2015, a small French nuclear submarine, the Saphir, snuck through multiple rings of defenses and “sank” the U.S. aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt and half of its escort ships. In other naval exercises, even old-fashioned diesel-electric submarines have beaten carriers.

A 2015 Rand Corporation report, “Chinese Threats to U.S. Surface Ships,” found that if hostilities broke out, “the risks to U.S. carriers are substantial and rising.”
Sounds like justification for more r&d $.
Did the Teddy really sink ?
Did it make a point ? We doing anything about it ? There's your answer.
Theater or reality ?
Contain people.
...errmmm.....the "U" stands for "unmanned".... UAV = Unmanned Aerial Vehicle = Drone =

Why endanger people ?

That's the point you don't endanger people unless of course you're shooting at them or bombing them... all from your comfortable control console
in Grand Forks, North huh
And they have to launch from somewhere.
Yup they do, main bases are in Nevada and California but they can be located anywhere. I understand the USAF is undergoing a big investment program to increase their numbers by an order of magnitude and are looking at options for overseas bases. As far as I know most of operations over Afghanistan and Pakistan were launched from Creech, Nevada(?) but the controllers were based at Grand Forks.
The UK had some drones (same as the US ones) actually based in Bagram but they were controlled from Creech.
If you look at the Global Hawk (surveilance UAV) which is yesterdays technology it has a range of 14,000 miles and an endurance of over 36 hours the combat UAVs don't yet have the same endurance due to the weapons loads but they soon will have as the technology advances. The Predator B to be certified in 2019 will have a 40+ hour endurance. Times they are a' changin (as Bob said)
Yup they do, main bases are in Nevada and California but they can be located anywhere. I understand the USAF is undergoing a big investment program to increase their numbers by an order of magnitude and are looking at options for overseas bases. As far as I know most of operations over Afghanistan and Pakistan were launched from Creech, Nevada(?) but the controllers were based at Grand Forks.
The UK had some drones (same as the US ones) actually based in Bagram but they were controlled from Creech.
If you look at the Global Hawk (surveilance UAV) which is yesterdays technology it has a range of 14,000 miles and an endurance of over 36 hours the combat UAVs don't yet have the same endurance due to the weapons loads but they soon will have as the technology advances. The Predator B to be certified in 2019 will have a 40+ hour endurance. Times they are a' changin (as Bob said)
Still be nice to launch from a carrier nearby.
Man made portable islands are quite useful
It seems to me that relying on aircraft carriers is a lot like Spain's reliance on the Armada back in the 16th. century.

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