How Iran gets around trade sanctions


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
Web of Shell Companies Veils Trade by Iran’s Ships

On Jan. 24, 2009, a rusting freighter flying a Hong Kong flag dropped anchor in the South African port of Durban. The stop was not on the ship’s customary route, and it stayed only an hour, just long enough to pick up its clandestine cargo: a Bladerunner 51 speedboat that could be armed with torpedoes and used as a fast-attack craft in the Persian Gulf.

On Jan. 24, 2009, a rusting freighter flying a Hong Kong flag dropped anchor in the South African port of Durban. The stop was not on the ship’s customary route, and it stayed only an hour, just long enough to pick up its clandestine cargo: a Bladerunner 51 speedboat that could be armed with torpedoes and used as a fast-attack craft in the Persian Gulf.

Formed mostly after the United States blacklisted Irisl and all of its ships in 2008, as confederates of Iran’s nuclear and ballistic-missile programs, the corporations often have English names like System Wise and Great Method, which seem to mock American resolve.
very good article read it in the paper today at work...but don't worry I am sure Iran is doing it all for ummm peaceful reserch .....? Maybe we can trick North Korea into just sinking some of them?

There you go. Let's get Iran in a war with NK. Maybe they'll wipe each other out.
There you go. Let's get Iran in a war with NK. Maybe they'll wipe each other out.

yea I am pretty sure the white house should be calling me for more details on this plan...

It should be interesting to see if any of the new sanctions deal Directly with this, or if we are just going to have to stay ahead of the shell game ...thing is while we can play the gives a opening to others to claim to have tried to...but failed and "Accidentally" give aid to Iran.

The Tighter we get our Grip on Iran..the more I feel the people of Iran will support change. They are more advanced, more open, and they know where the problem there government...Iran will not be stopped with bombs, and will fall with Media, and Demographics...and the death blow will come when Iran pushed to far to keep them back...and opens the flood gates of anger