That is exactly what is wrong with gnostic thought. It completely ignores responsibility in the exercise of one's free will. And I'd imagine you'd love such a situation.At the very least, judas was guilty of being clueless. He iwas a zealot (iscariot probably coming from scarii). He was forcing his zealot world-view on everyone else, orchestrating a confrontation between jesus against roman and jewish authorities. He probabaly figured that a confrontation would initiate a general revolt.
Come to think of it, your ideas are much like judas', as far as forcing your own belief on others is concerned.What point other than fashion sense are you aiming for here?Unfortunately, it is necessary ever since jp2's attempted assassination. The first thing he did, btw, was visit his assassins in jail to forgive him.Nonsense.Like any organization, the church is being managed financially. Its not like he can buy anything that he pleases. He would have to request and justify it.I read that when jp2 requested a pool built in his summer residence, it was denied due to financial constraints. He justified it by saying that a pool is immensely cheaper than another conclave. By the same reasoning, building a private pool would be immensely cheaper than swimming in a public pool.What exactly did you imagine jesus say about the accumulation of wealth, hmmm?