Hitler Is Alive And Living In North Carolina !

Robert Berger

Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
This is absolutely appalling . Two weeks ago, a certain pastor Charles L. Worley of a Baptist
church in North Carolina gave what must surely e the most disgusting and sickening sermon
ever delivered. , if you cna call it a sermon .
The good pastor outlined his ideas for what the U.S. ogvernment should supposedly do with homosexuals in America . He wants it to create a giant concentration camp for them surrounded by
an electric fence , where they would be kept until they all died out. Food would be dropped by planes periodically .
According to this bigoted imbecile, this would "rid" America of the gay menace. Of course, he is too dense to realize that women would just continue to give birth to children who would eventually turn out to be gay .
Unbelievable ! This is supposed to be akind and compassionate man of God. But instead, he is merely Hitler reborn . This sickening rant can be seen on you tube an delsewhere and has gone viral . Naturally, it has provoked national outrage , but the frightening thing is that the members of the congregation have expressed their approval of the disgustingly bigoted thing the "pastor" has said . This so-called man of God is the lowest scum and the dregs of humanity , and he makes me ashamed to be an American .
its a shame you trigger Godwin's Law. yes this guy is an idiot but until he breaks ground on his enclusure I'll treat him as that dog poop unpicked up on the sidewalk; recognize it but avoid it. freedom of speech isn't always pretty but stupid is self evident.

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