Hillary using the "sexist" card?

He did not "request" special protection. It's because his life has been threatened by idiots out there and the Secret Service deemed it necessary to protect him. So, here we are back to Hillary's stupid remark. She was extremely unprofessional and did not even apologize other than making excuses for herself. That is not Presidential material.
First off, a candidate does in fact have to request protection and said request can be either granted or denied. The candidate must meet seven guidelines - U.S.C. 18, Part II, Sec. 3056. The Secret Service can certainly seek them out and let them know they may qualify for their special protection but they must make an official request.

You clearly stated in your post that Obama has twice the normal amount of Secret Service agents. In order for him to have any secret service protection he had to request it. In order for him to have double the amount, he had to request that as well.

Please show something to verify your two following statements:
1. That Obama has twice the regular amount of Secret Service Protection
2. That said protection is the direct result of assassination threats

I would also like you to show that no other Presidential candidate - such as Hillary Clinton or even John McCain (who until recently refused the protection of the Secret Service) has received death threats. If you can show me that no candidate, other than Obama, has received death threats then I will concede to you.
Hi top gun.

Let me say I have no dog in this fight. I believe we have two socialists and a good old fashioned democrat running in this election. I support none of them.

That being said, this is a fight for the nomination. It's a contest. This is how they work.

Why should Hillary drop out? She has the popular vote. Why has the DNC set it up so that the democrat voters are disenfranchised by their own party? This is what Gore took to court in Florida. It was claimed he had the popular vote and Bush stole the election. Should Hillary retain the popular vote, and Obama get the Super Delegates that override the will of the voters - will it be said that Obama stole the nomination?

That being said, why should Hillary drop? Seems to me the easiest way to solve this would be have the undeclared Super Delegates decide. Don't you agree?

She should drop out because the radical extreme far left wants her to. And she shouldn’t ask questions either. And no one should ask why 2 states are not being counted at all. Our job is to shut up and let the far left nut jobs do what they want. And anyone who speaks up is probably a racist! That seems to be the pattern here.

And no we can not talk about the A word? Now it has to be called the A word? Only Obama and his wife can talk about the A word, I have seen them both discuss the topic on good morning America. They did not call it the A word! But I guess the new rule is, IF the A word needs to be brought up, Obama himself will let us know by doing it himself.

The A word? This election season gets nuttier and nuttier…
Hi top gun.

Let me say I have no dog in this fight. I believe we have two socialists and a good old fashioned democrat running in this election. I support none of them.

That being said, this is a fight for the nomination. It's a contest. This is how they work.

Why should Hillary drop out? She has the popular vote. Why has the DNC set it up so that the democrat voters are disenfranchised by their own party? This is what Gore took to court in Florida. It was claimed he had the popular vote and Bush stole the election. Should Hillary retain the popular vote, and Obama get the Super Delegates that override the will of the voters - will it be said that Obama stole the nomination?

That being said, why should Hillary drop? Seems to me the easiest way to solve this would be have the undeclared Super Delegates decide. Don't you agree?

Let me say that I'm no fan of the way things are set up myself. I have the easy solution for the original problem... but no one asks me...:). I'll explain that latter. This will take awhile.

The undeniable fact is the rules that were set by the DNC were clear at the time Florida & Michigan tried to break them and move their primaries up to jump ahead of other states.

Everyone can't have their primary first because there's no way candidates can campaign that way. So the order of the primaries must be set by the governing body and adhered to.

The we get into the Michigan & Florida situation itself. All candidates agreed not to campaign in these states because they were going to be penalized for breaking the set and understood rules. Obama kept his word and didn't even put his name on the ballot in Michigan at all. Hillary broke her word... her agreement and campaigned (just in case).

On Hillary having the popular vote. She does only by Clinton math
:). Clinton math says I want all the popular vote in Michigan (because I broke my word and was basically running unopposed). I'll take whatever split of popular vote came out of Florida (even though I again broke my word and campaigned there) but at least Obama was on the ballot that time although true to HIS word & agreement he did not campaign there.

Then of course popular vote does not get counted in any of the many caucus states that Senator Obama won... because they don't do popular vote in any of those states, they caucus... so just disenfranchise ALL of those voters who caucused and by big numbers went with Senator Obama.

Everyone including Super Delegates (and I bet you after looking at it broke down like this) can see that there is absolutely no way Clinton math makes any sense... or is fair in any conceivable way.

So the fact is if you included all the caucus states votes, even if you gave Hillary all of Michigan and part of Florida (I have no idea why) you would still have more actual people supporting Senator Obama.

And just in case that weren't enough... even if Hillary had more actual individual support (which she absolutely doesn't) the issue would be as if the general election a candidate stood up at the end and said... Hey I don't care what the rules going in were I'm not going by the Electoral College decision. Rules are rules. If a majority in the DNC doesn't like them... change them. But until they do they stand. It's unfair to everyone that followed the rules if they don't.

Hillary has no serious mathematical path to the nomination. That's when candidates usually drop out or suspend their campaigns. That's what she should do to benefit her Party.

NOW MY SOLUTION TO END WHAT STARTED ALL OF THIS: Every year or every 2 or 3 years have a lottery for states positioning in the primaries. Could not be simpler.

I hope this helps explain what has really transpired... and if Hillary doesn't suspend her campaign after the last primary in a couple weeks you're right the Super Delegates will step in. Either way Barack Obama is the nominee.
The we get into the Michigan & Florida situation itself. All candidates agreed not to campaign in these states because they were going to be penalized for breaking the set and understood rules. Obama kept his word and didn't even put his name on the ballot in Michigan at all. Hillary broke her word... her agreement and campaigned (just in case).

This is not true at all. Neither of them campaigned in Michigan or in Florida. They were never told to take their names off of the ballot but Obama did. 4 democrats withdrew their names and 4 democrats kept their name on the ballot in Michigan. They all kept their names on the ballot in Florida.

Withdrew in Michigan
Joe Biden
John Edwards
Barack Obama
Bill Richardson

Left name on the ballot in Michigan

Hillary Clinton
Chris Dodd
Mike Gravel
Dennis Kucinich

Of all the above candidates only one had television ads in Michigan and in Florida. That one person was Obama. When called on it, he said he bought nation wide spots and they wouldn’t let him take the spots down in Michigan and Florida. Fair enough if he already bought the ads but apparently it’s an inefficient way to spend TV ad money.

On Hillary having the popular vote. She does only by Clinton math. Clinton math says I want all the popular vote in Michigan (because I broke my word and was basically running unopposed). I'll take whatever split of popular vote came out of Florida (even though I again broke my word and campaigned there) but at least Obama was on the ballot that time although true to HISword & agreement he did not campaign there. .

Hillary has the popular vote if you count actual votes. If you count every vote cast for either Obama or for her, she has more actual votes. True this does not count caucus delegates. But how representative is a caucus? No one in the military can caucus, single moms with kids in bed can not come out at night and caucus, elderly, disabled, exc. But any Joe blow can legal, illegal, unregistered voters and registered voters, doesn’t matter, it’s a head count. When she says she has the popular vote she is counting actual votes cast on actual ballots.

Sure she has a chance. The super delegates are non committed. The ones who have not spoken up can still pick her and the ones who picked obama can turn to her if they want anytime before they physically cast their vote.
But all of the super delegates have not picked a candidate, until everyone votes, regular Joe and super delegate it isn’t over.

So the fact is if you included all the caucus states votes, even if you gave Hillary all of Michigan and part of Florida (I have no idea why) you would still have more actual people supporting Senator Obama. .

When you say people do you mean actual voters? Or just people who showed up for a head count?
NO Obamanation;39107]This is not true at all. Neither of them campaigned in Michigan or in Florida. They were never told to take their names off of the ballot but Obama did. 4 democrats withdrew their names and 4 democrats kept their name on the ballot in Michigan. They all kept their names on the ballot in Florida.

You are truly stacking it high and it really,really smells... and you know that. ;)

On the incorrect "did not campaign comment... See BOLD above & then look below:

Hillary's Florida Flip
by John Nichols on 01/28/2008

Like other candidates, she pledged not to campaign in Florida after the state jumped ahead on the schedule of caucuses and primaries set by the Democratic National Committee. She had to make that pledge if she hoped to compete in the first-in-the-nation Iowa caucuses and the first-in-the-nation New Hampshire primary, as Iowa and New Hampshire zealously guard their starting status on the political calendar.

But Iowa and New Hampshire are history and, after a landslide loss in South Carolina on Saturday, Clinton needs a win.

So she has begun appearing in Florida in anticipation of Tuesday's Democratic primary there.

Clinton's move insults not just the voters in Iowa and New Hampshire who trusted her pledge but also the voters of all the states that respected the DNC's outline for the nominating process. Effectively, she is saying to Democrats in states that will participate in February 5th's "Super Tuesday" primaries and caucuses and in the two dozen states that have scheduled later votes: You may follow the rules if you please, but I write the rules as I please.

That's the raw political reality of Clinton's move, even if she is spinning it as an embrace of participatory democracy.

On taking their names off the ballot: That was a procedural matter. Some candidates took the step because they were told the votes wouldn't count anyway some did not. The obvious point is because of what they were officially told before the vote and in line with their agreement not to even campaign there any "vote" would be totally inaccurate and not truly representative of the will of all the people. For they TOO were told THEIR votes wouldn't count.

Of all the above candidates only one had television ads in Michigan and in Florida. That one person was Obama. When called on it, he said he bought nation wide spots and they wouldn’t let him take the spots down in Michigan and Florida. Fair enough if he already bought the ads but apparently it’s an inefficient way to spend TV ad money.

It's just amazing!!! :eek: The guy does absolutely nothing wrong. Followed all the rules. Has not been condemned by the DNC for anything he has done. Is not fighting to change any DNC decision. Has no control over any of this... and you admit it. Then you bash him again. You are truly one weak sister when it comes to anything fair in any respect.

Hillary has the popular vote if you count actual votes. If you count every vote cast for either Obama or for her, she has more actual votes. True this does not count caucus delegates. But how representative is a caucus? No one in the military can caucus, single moms with kids in bed can not come out at night and caucus, elderly, disabled, exc. But any Joe blow can legal, illegal, unregistered voters and registered voters, doesn’t matter, it’s a head count. When she says she has the popular vote she is counting actual votes cast on actual ballots.

OK... I'll try... to break... the... crazy train... of thought.

Does the FACT that the long standing set up and rules of the DNC (the official governing body) set their nomination process up in a combination of caucuses and primaries and expect all to be respected & represented??? It is obviously your opinion that people that take the time to caucus don't count at all because "you" don't think they're "representative enough!:eek:

Hillary Clinton does not have the most people in favor of her nomination. She only contorts the numbers in a convaluted "I can break my agreements and the rules don't apply to me" senario.

Here's an EXACT example of how ludacris you are being in saying the established rules should not count. At the end of the General it's the Electoral College that picks the President. Everyone knows that going in. So who picks the President in the General? Rules are rules. Without them you have Chaos! Senator Obama will rightfully be the nominee.

Sure she has a chance. The super delegates are non committed. The ones who have not spoken up can still pick her and the ones who picked obama can turn to her if they want anytime before they physically cast their vote.
But all of the super delegates have not picked a candidate, until everyone votes, regular Joe and super delegate it isn’t over.

Just because no nomination EVER is completely set in stone until the convention doesn't change a thing. For the good of the Party candidates drop out or suspend their campaigns when the have no clear path to the nomination. If you believe anywhere in your mind that the Democratic Party will...

#1) Overturn the elected delegate count!

#2) Give all the votes in Michigan and & Florida to Hillary!

#3) Tell the African American community we've decided to steal away Senator Obama's nomination.

#4) And the steady & constant stream of Super Delegates to Obama will just suddenly say... Hey we were wrong. Let's change to the divisive Hillary campaign.

We'll talk again in a couple weeks and see which one of us truly understands the Democratic Party... Fair?
Here is the pledge signed by all the candidates, including Clinton.

THEREFORE, I _______________, Democratic Candidate for President, in honor and in accordance with DNC rules, pledge to actively campaign in the pre-approved early states Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire and South Carolina. I pledge I shall not campaign or participate in any election contest occurring in any state not already authorized by the DNC to take place in the DNC approved pre-window (any date prior to February 5, 2008). Campaigning shall include but is not limited to purchasing media or campaign advocacy of any kind, attending or hosting events of more than 200 people to promote one’s candidacy for a preference primary and employing staff in the state in question.

Something else, Obama leads in the popular vote by 458,427, if you include Fla. he leads by 163,655. Only if you include Mi, a state where Obama wasn't on the ballot, and give Clinton 328,309 and Obama 0 does she then lead in the popular vote. The argument that Clinton leads in the popular vote is extremely disingenious.

If, judging by past history, it's up to the nimnoes making up the rules as they go, by golly . . Hillary just might be the next President. WHAT A MESS!


Signed: Bette Davis