Hiding & once again wrong Republicans

top gun

Well-Known Member
May 15, 2007
Ohio, USA
Oh how the Republicans long for the days when they could just say anything no matter how reckless, dare we say stupid, because they needed to divide people for a vote here and there.

Well DRILL BABY DRILL has now as predicted become SPILL BABY SPILL!

So get out there Caribou Barbie and dazzle us with your oratory on how wonderful it is to have one of the worst environmental disasters of all times floating straight toward all of our Gulf Coast states. I'm sure the entire fishing industry and the entire tourist industry and all of those hundreds of thousands of American families directly affected will appreciate hearing more Palin nonsensical, nonscientific Conservative drivel. Remember when it was called Liberal tree hugger crazy talk when Democrats said that the states should have the right to say no to any new offshore drilling that could affect their own coastlines in the case of a spill? Hmm sounds really smart now huh?

Who knows maybe Palin & the teabaggers can spin it that this spill was simply God getting New Orleans back because of gay people... Oh sorry I forgot they've used that one already because of hurricanes.:rolleyes:

But heck... let's trip down memory lane anyway shall we. See what they had to say right before this disaster. DRILL BABY DRILL!

come on they will never let a major national disaster that shows the main concern of drilling ..get in the way of a catchy chant will they?

I think even for them the little diddy of DRILL BABY DRILL may have lost its luster.:D

However perhaps expect this:

FOX NEWS... Breaking news with Bill O'Reilly

Folks all I'm saying is the oil coming out of that broken BP well in the Gulf is BLACK... and President Obama is BLACK. Now I'm not saying that the two necessarily have any direct connection but the timing of this whole thing is suspicious.:D

I think even for them the little diddy of DRILL BABY DRILL may have lost its luster.:D

However perhaps expect this:

FOX NEWS... Breaking news with Bill O'Reilly

Folks all I'm saying is the oil coming out of that broken BP well in the Gulf is BLACK... and President Obama is BLACK. Now I'm not saying that the two necessarily have any direct connection but the timing of this whole thing is suspicious.:D

you sure that was not beck? lol
Here's a perfect example of just what slays me about Republicans.

This is a unbelievable chain of events. Follow along...

The Bush administrations idea of regulatory control for oil companies:

Followed by President Obama being elected...

Republicans then went on the attack: President Obama would rather pander to wacky environmentalist loons than open up off shore drilling. We need to tap into all of those oil resources right off our coast. American oil companies have the worlds best technology. Safe as can be. We know how. Drill Baby drill!

Conservationists in response: These things don't have to all go bad for there to be a disaster of unbelievable proportions. Just one single oil well accident off our coast could devastate entire regions, destroy fishing and ruin tourism for years if not decades. It's not the same problem having an oil well exploded on land as it is a mile under the sea.

BOOM... oil well right off our Gulf Coast explodes: Oil starts pumping out at the bottom of the sea at up to 70 thousand barrels per day.

Republicans: Why hasn't the government found away to stop this ongoing catastrophe! If BP can't stop it can't the entire US government?

My response: NO!!!!!!!!! Hell NO!!!! No we can't! THAT'S WHAT THE FOCK WE'VE BEEN TELLING YOU ALL ALONG! That's why we restricted it in the first place! It's dangerous and we already knew the BP's of the world will say anything is safe just to make a buck! Bottom line is our government is not in the oil well blown up 5000 feet under the sea business just like BP it's able to invade Iraq, you mental midgets.

I gotta tell ya something... seriously... I'm not a huge tree hugger... I'm pretty moderate... but the environmentalist sure got it right on this one...

and all the Drill Baby Drill I love Sarah Palin Republicans are proven idiots!
You know the whole thing could be avoided if they would allow us to drill for oil on dry land where it is much safer! Not to mention clean-up is much more simple on dry land. If this incident would have happened on the main land it would have been contained and cleaned much sooner. As far as catch phrases go, I'm not seeing to many ideas for clean up out of the "yes we can" crowd. In fact Obama is just getting around to getting down to the gulf again this weekend. I guess the people of the gulf should be happy though that is more than he has been to Nashville to see the flood victims there. The other thing that amazes me is the people that say this is a sign from God. So let me get this straight, this is a sign from God, yet the same isn't true for 9/11 or Katrina? I'm no Pat Robertson nut job nor will I spew his stupidity, but that seems like a double standard.
You know the whole thing could be avoided if they would allow us to drill for oil on dry land where it is much safer! Not to mention clean-up is much more simple on dry land. If this incident would have happened on the main land it would have been contained and cleaned much sooner. As far as catch phrases go, I'm not seeing to many ideas for clean up out of the "yes we can" crowd. In fact Obama is just getting around to getting down to the gulf again this weekend. I guess the people of the gulf should be happy though that is more than he has been to Nashville to see the flood victims there. The other thing that amazes me is the people that say this is a sign from God. So let me get this straight, this is a sign from God, yet the same isn't true for 9/11 or Katrina? I'm no Pat Robertson nut job nor will I spew his stupidity, but that seems like a double standard.

Well you must be out of the Big Oil loop.

The reason they are having to go out to sea and even deep sea is that the on shore sources are on a steady downward decline.

As far as the Federal government doing something about it., they are. They are having the best trained people for this type of enginering do all they can as quyick as they can. That of course would be OIL COMPANY DRILLING EXPERTS AND TECHNITIONS.

I guess the President could send the US Marines or the ATF or The Internal Revenue Service... but I think you'd probably be they only one seeing their expertise in oil well drilling and capping.:rolleyes:

The President gave a great & lengthy step by step breakdown of who, what, where, why & when today. Watch the news tonight and you'll see we are doing all we can as quick as we can. I'll post it as soon as it becomes available. These are just a sample of our President being concerned & dedicated & fully engaged previous even to today's briefing.


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