That's good for you. What happens when the hypothetical person who needs an emergency appendectomy doesn't follow suit? What's most likely to happen is what is happening now: He doesn't pay, but the rest of us pay more to make up the difference. That is one of the things that have to change if we're ever to stop the runaway freight train of escalating medical costs.
We live in a day and age, that anyone can get a job. A friend of mine, way back in high school, started his own company making plastic drain hoses for Honda. Because the job was so easy, he hired mentally retarded people to do the work.
Go to
and buy Nick Vujicic's DVD. Here's a guy who grew up without arms and legs, and yet got a degree, and now runs his own consulting firm.
Really, what it boils down to sadly, is there are people who are not going to pay for services they get, no matter what. Even the MasterCard system, which btw is by far the best system I've heard of yet, still doesn't address what happens when person X simply refuses to pay.
If the corporations that currently pay for health care for employees were to pay to my plan instead, there would be more than enough money. There would be no need for further taxes. The marketplace would control costs.
Where do you think corporations get the money to pay for employee health care? (psst: Customers or Employee pay reductions) In either case, that's a tax. It might not go through government hands between business and health service, but it's still just a mandated tax on the public.
They would be arrested for tax fraud, and wouldn't have to worry about health care. Prisoners get it for free. (another thing that needs to be looked at).
Not what I meant. CEOs are already changing how they get paid to shelter income from the Obama tax plan they assume will raise their taxes. People can use the same tricks to hide their own income. They don't because it's not worth it, but your system might make it worth it.
Sure, medical research is expensive. So are brand name drugs. The pharmaceutical companies are doing very well, thank you, despite the costs of research. What needs to be ended is the enormous cost of TV advertising. If the drug is best for me, then my doctor should know about it. I don't base medical decisions on spot commercials anyway.
Erm... TV advertising normally doesn't raise the price of drugs, because it's paid out of the profits of selling those drugs. It's similar to CEO pay vs the cost of production. Further, if you can imagine all the doctors in the world, advertising is the only way to get information of a new medication to all of them in a fiscally effective way.
About the only thing at this level I wish would end, but I don't know how to stop it, is companies giving bonus money to doctors who prescribe their medications.
Of course the biggest abuser in this area is Medicare, which often pays such wildly differing amounts for various services, that doctors often give prescriptions based on what is the most profitable to bill Medicare for. That's another reason medicare is going sky high in cost.
So, if our hypothetical sufferer of acute appendicitis were to be an illegal alien, you'd be OK to just let him die?
If he can pay for it, go for it. Otherwise, it should be left to the hospital to determine what to do. After all, they are the ones who will go bankrupt for offering service to someone who will not pay.
Let me put it this way. In California, a 70 hospitals have actually closed down, since 1990. Shut the doors, sent everyone home. All the employees lost their jobs. All the patients lost their service. The entire community lost a hospital to go to.
So thousands of people lost their jobs. And thousands more have no place to go to the hospital at all.
So we have to make some choices. If we continue to let people who have no intention of paying, get free health services, then the logical result is no one gets health service.
Let's make another hypothetical. You are the doctor. An illegal immigrant with no intention of paying, has an illness. Question: Should you be forced, without any other option, to treat the illegal or face jail time? Or should you have the option to say sorry, I have a family to feed?
Sorry, I can't go that far. We're more civilized than that, even if it is a drain on tax dollars. Patch him up, then deport him. It's not likely that his country of origin is going to pay, but at least we'll have a better idea just how much illegal aliens cost the system.
Then you support socialism. Because not only are you going to pay the taxes to pay for an illegals health bills, but your going to pay to deport him, and then pay for both when the illegal comes back. You do know that most all deport illegals come right back?
Then to top it off, you going to pay higher premiums, or higher medical bills, when the system has to subsidize the cost of a federal program to pay for illegal aliens medical costs.
Sorry, but that's how economics works.
That is the genius of my plan. The government is not in charge of it. The government simply has a bail out plan for people whose medical care costs exceed their ability to pay. The providers determine what is necessary and how much it should cost, with the proviso that the patients have to pay most of it, and have the right to go wherever they please. As it is now, you either have to go to a PPO or an HMO, and pay through the nose if you must go elsewhere.
What happens when the cost of government bailouts gets high enough they start cutting payments? (refer to above subsidizing).
My plan is pure genius, admit it.
I wish

It's the best alternative yet, by far. But I have a rule, anytime the government is involved with something, it will screw it up. If you can cite me one example where government had any involvement with any issue, and didn't screw it up, let me know.